Oxford Dictionary Defines ASUU In 20 Different Ways, Enjoy... 1) - TopicsExpress


Oxford Dictionary Defines ASUU In 20 Different Ways, Enjoy... 1) ASUU: A Union. 2) ASUUOLOGY: The study of ASUU. 3) ASUUCRAT: A member of ASUU. 4) ASUUCRACY: Government of ASUU plus Federal Government minus the students. 5) ASUUFEVA: Effectsof ASUU on students. 6) ASUUNISTIC: The act of behaving in ASUU way. 7) ASUUDITE: A person who doesn’t believe in ASUU. ASUUING: demanding and negotiating in ASUUs manner. 9) ASUUNDER: Consequences of ASUU strike. 10) ASUUSTRIKER: A person who demostrates for ASUU. 11) ASUULATOR: The war between ASUU and the senators. 12) ASUUMANIAC: Someone who loves ASUU. 13) ASUUPHOBIA: The fear of ASUU. 14) ASUUCIDE: Act of killing an Asucrat by accident. 15) ASUUTIAN: A victim of ASUUs activities. 16) ASUUFÈCTO: a baby born by a student during ASUU. 17) ASUUGENERIAN: A student who spends 7 years in sch instead of 4 years due to ASUU strike. 18) ASUUIST: A lecturer or a group of lecturer who does not support ASUU but hopes to benefit from the union. 19) ASUUMONGER: Someone who keep spreading rumours about the activities of ASUU. 20) ASUUNOMICS: A student who develops business ideas during ASUU strike. Which category do u belong to???
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 17:12:34 +0000

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