PART 2 So, when I finished falling on my face, the crew - TopicsExpress


PART 2 So, when I finished falling on my face, the crew rushed in to administer first aid, I rolled over and they started to cut open my coveralls on the right leg, when Fearless(a friend and co-worker) seen my knee he turned away in horror?!! I never looked!!! Not yet! They threw me in a stretcher, and into the back of a pickup, (the ambulance couldnt find us because in Consort there is a lot of rolling hills) I first went to the Consort hospital, where they said Red Deer or Calgary for surgery? Red Deer! Thats when I looked!! I only looked just that once!!!! No wonder Fearless turned his head in horror!!(I knew it!, lol). First time I ever seen bone and ligaments, and the muscle tissue was just hanging there off my leg.(about a 8 long chunk/slurry/clot). I remember the first thing that came to my mind...I think Im gonna need stitches???? : ) I went to Reed Deer in the ambulance, on the way there they gave me oxygen and nitrogen to breathe?! The nitrogen apparently shrinks blood vessels so you dont bleed to death. But I hardly bled???? I asked the surgeon? How come I didnt bleed to death?? Dr. Lance Bredo, replied when your in good physical condition, and I was, and your body experiences that much trama, your blood vessels snap shut!! It a survival thing we all have!!! WHO KNEW??? Lol Now you know. : ) Just before surgery he asked do you want to contact anyone?, well of course I thought, Mom! Who else?, but I replied Ill just call my parents when where done... I already knew I was going to be fine... If my number was up??? It wasnt today!!!! Stay True!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:57:01 +0000

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