PART3 How long have you lived here Jane? Jasmine asked with a - TopicsExpress


PART3 How long have you lived here Jane? Jasmine asked with a bright smile. Oh Lord! Ive been here since the building was erected, about 10 years ago. Sometimes I have trouble believing that Ive spent almost a third of my life here. Jasmine continued, a sparkling white smile adorning her pretty face, How do you like it? Oh, its not the Taj Mahal, as you can see, but all in all, I suppose I like it. The rent is reasonable and the tenants are tolerable. then with a giggle added, Most of the time. Just then, the elevator clumsily jerked to a halt and the two ladies turned and readied themselves to exit as the doors slowly opened. As they walked to the exit, Jasmine asked, Which direction do you go to get to work Jane? I have to go up the street and catch the Westbound streetcar. Jane replied, Oh, I have to catch the Eastbound streetcar down at the bottom of the street. A disappointed look flashed across Jasmines face. Oh too bad Jane. Id love to have someone to chat with on the way to work everyday. With that, the two girls wished each other a pleasant day and headed off in opposite directions. Apart from the enjoyment Jane got from showing off her newly created marketing plan that morning, it was just another day at the office. By late afternoon, time had slowed almost to a standstill and she was sure that the day would go on forever. When the clock finally hit the 5:00 p.m. mark, Jane began to put on her coat and was counting down the seconds impatiently. For some reason she wanted to get back to her apartment and for the life of her she didnt know why. Most nights, she had to be reminded that it was quitting time and she had a real fear that she might one day be locked in the office overnight. As she finished buttoning her coat, she idly wondered what time the new tenant, Jasmine finished work. A friend who gave her a ride home from time to time, had to run some errands in another direction so Jane began walking briskly to the streetcar stop. She dreaded having to endure the close quarters and the pushing and shoving that was part and parcel of riding the streetcar. Shed always hated this particular part of her daily commute. The streetcar was invariably filled with noisy, boisterous people and the smell of unwashed bodies and sweat permeated the interior of each vehicle. By the time the creaking old relic arrived at Janes stop, she was frazzled and more than a tad angry. As she made her way up her street, she had to walk past the new housing project that had only recently been erected at the intersection. There was the usual gang of unemployed people hanging around the building courtyard, smoking cigarettes and drinking cheap wine from a large jug that was being passed amongst them. Jane glanced through the gate as she made her way up the street. A look of disapproval crossed her face when she saw the boisterous group. God dam freeloaders, she muttered under her breath. Sitting on their asses in subsidized housing, too lazy to work! And who the hell has to pay for it all? Me! Thats who!........STAY TUNED #Bobby
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:01:19 +0000

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