PASTORS MOMENT: You need to belong to the tribe of the Extra - TopicsExpress


PASTORS MOMENT: You need to belong to the tribe of the Extra Ordinary, not the tribe of your tongue. Allow me to remind you of the great words of Pastor Edward Munene. Our Generation places a lot of value on money and machines (cars), we turn to God when everything else fails. If you want to know what you believe check what you pray for.... We are all imperfect people connecting to a perfect God, lets focus on doing extra ordinary thing everyday. Think about what you want God to give you, write it be honest with yourself if God answered that prayer what would change? Would it benefit anyone else other than yourself? Are your prayers about yourself only? are your prayers saying give me a car? give me a house? maybe you need to change and add something to that prayer, pray for the end of child prostitution, pray for strengthening and growth of the economy, that growth will benefit many and you will benefit in the process. As you start your day think about this day Peter and John were getting to the temple..and a beggar stretched his hands, they turned to him and said..Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk..... God Bless You and Keep You
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:36:25 +0000

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