PATRIOTS... HERE IS A SIMPLE PICTURE EXPLANATION OF THE BATTLE... Fighting them on Cloture is liking fighting up in the mountain pass where we as a smaller force have an advantage... THE ENEMY NEEDS 60 Votes. ONCE THEY GET THE 60 VOTES THEN THE DEMS ONLY NEED 51 TO STRIP THE DEFUNDING PROVISION... So....Call every Republican Senator today, demand they vote “NO” on cloture. Stop Obama’s insane spending and stop Obamacare: Heres why .. READ AND SHARE: This is an urgent action alert for every American who opposes Obamacare. Harry Reid (D-NV)The U.S. Senate will vote to fund Obamacare this week and we need your help to stop it. Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has a procedural plan to fund Obamacare with only 50 votes, but first he needs at least 6 Republicans to vote for “cloture” to approve the process. According to numerous sources, some Republicans support Harry Reid’s scheme and plan to vote for cloture so the Democrats can fund Obamacare. These Republicans-In-Name-Only (RINOs) believe they can support Harry Reid’s rigged process without being held responsible for the outcome everyone knows it will produce — namely the funding of Obamacare. We must act now to let Senate Republicans know we won’t be fooled. A vote for cloture is a vote to fund Obamacare, and any Republican who lets the Democrats fund Obamacare should be defeated in their next election. TAKE ACTION NOW Please call these Republicans and urge them to OPPOSE “cloture” to stop Harry Reid’s plan to fund Obamacare. Don’t let them tell you a vote for cloture is a vote against Obamacare. It is not. If cloture were truly a vote against Obamacare, the Democrats wouldn’t be supporting it. Cloture will allow the Democrats to fund Obamacare and it MUST be defeated. If 41 Republicans oppose cloture, it WILL be defeated. Click Here to See Our Updated Whip List and Talking Points Lamar Alexander (R-TN) — (202) 224-4944 Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) — (202) 224-3324 John Barrasso (R-WY) — (202) 224-6441 Roy Blunt (R-MO) — (202) 224-5721 John Boozman (R-AR) — (202) 224-4843 Richard Burr (R-NC) — (202) 224-3154 Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) — (202) 224-3521 Jeff Chiesa (R-NJ) — (202) 224-3224 Dan Coats (R-IN) — (202) 224-5623 Tom Coburn (R-OK) — (202) 224-5754 Thad Cochran (R-MS) — (202) 224-5054 Susan Collins (R-ME) — (202) 224-2523 Bob Corker (R-TN) — (202) 224-3344 John Cornyn (R-TX) — (202) 224-2934 Mike Crapo (R-ID) — (202) 224-6142 Mike Enzi (R-WY) – (202) 224-3424 Deb Fischer (R-NE) — (202) 224-6551 Jeff Flake (R-AZ) — (202) 224-4521 Lindsey Graham (R-SC) — (202) 224-5972 Chuck Grassley (R-IA) — (202) 224-3744 Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — (202) 224-5251 Dean Heller (R-NV) — (202) 224-6244 John Hoeven (R-ND) — (202) 224-2551 Jim Inhofe (R-OK) — (202) 224-4721 Johnny Isakson (R-GA) — (202) 224-3643 Mike Johanns (R-NE) — (202) 224-4224 Ron Johnson (R-WI) — (202) 224-5323 Mark Kirk (R-IL) — (202) 224-2854 John McCain (R-AZ) – (202) 224-2235 Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — (202) 224-2541 Jerry Moran (R-KS) — (202) 224-6521 Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) — (202) 224-6665 Rand Paul (R-KY) — (202) 224-4343 Rob Portman (R-OH) — (202) 224-3353 Jim Risch (R-ID) — (202) 224-2752 Pat Roberts (R-KS) — (202) 224-4774 Marco Rubio (R-FL) — (202) 224-3041 Tim Scott (R-SC) — (202) 224-6121 Jeff Sessions (R-AL) — (202) 224-4124 Richard Shelby (R-AL) — (202) 224-5744 John Thune (R-SD) — (202) 224-2321 Pat Toomey (R-PA) — (202) 224-4254 David Vitter (R-LA) — (202) 224-4623 Roger Wicker (R-MS) — (202) 224-6253 You can find additional contact information for these senators and learn more about where they stand at DontFundObamacare. It’s very important that you make your voice heard today by calling these senators. We can win this battle, but we must fight now. It doesn’t matter if you don’t live in their states. They need to know that people across the country expect them to stop funding for Obamacare. Thank you for standing strong for freedom. Remember the Rinos in the house played the same game.. P.S. First, John Boehner (R-OH) and the House Republicans tried to fool the grassroots with their “trick rule” to fund Obamacare. Now, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the Senate Republicans are trying their hand at the deception game by supporting “cloture” on Harry Reid’s plan to fund Obamacare. Don’t be fooled. Stop them. Melt the phones! TILL THURSDAY WHEN THEY VOTE ON CLOTURE.... THIS ONE TIME IT MATTERS PHONE FAX AND EVEN KNOCK ON THEIR OFFICE DOOR AT THE CAPITAL IF YOU ARE IN TOWN !!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:40:45 +0000

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