PEOPLES POWER! Yesterday an attempt by the Nigerian Police in - TopicsExpress


PEOPLES POWER! Yesterday an attempt by the Nigerian Police in Abuja to prevent members of the #Bringbackourgirls campaign from holding their daily rally at the Unity Fountain in Abuja became another disgraceful talking point of the ordoriferous saga, which the kidnap of over 200 school girls by Boko Haram incubus have become. Members of the group led by former Minister of Education and World Bank Vice President in charge of African Affairs, Dr Oby Ezekwesili arrived the Unity Fountain near Transcorp Hilton hotel to a hostile reception by the Police who tried to prevent them from gaining access to the arena; saying that they have orders from above to stop the protesters. They stated that the rally was illegal as the conveners do not have Police permit. The Oby Ezekwesili led group insisted on their rights and at a point Dino Melaye who was also part of yesterdays protest, was almost physically assaulted by the police who tried to stop him using brute force. After the brawl and a shouting match which almost degenerated to near fisticuffs, it became obvious that the protesters were not ready to shift their ground. The men in black beat a hasty retreat with their tail nicely tucked in between their legs. The protesters carried on with the rally and the Police called for reinforcement, which was swiftly provided. It was shameful to note that the Nigerian Police could descend the obnoxious level of deploying an armored tank with more than enough men with the capacity to repel the insurgents from abducting the Chibok girls, to prevent a peaceful rally from holding. The protesters have vowed to reconvene today and continue with their protest. They accused the Federal Government and the Borno state Governor of trading blames, at a time when they are supposed to close ranks to rescue and #bringbackourgirls. According to Dr Ezekwesili, they shall be protesting to the Borno state Governors lodge in Abuja today to express their dissatisfaction with the way the Borno state Governor has handled the whole situation. I must commend the altruistic effort of the convener of this campaign. They have indeed shown to the brutes in uniform that the knowledge of artillery and the artillery of knowledge are not the same, as Fabio Contactus Maximus, the Great Roman General and author of the Fabian strategy of war and peace puts it. According to Fabio Maximus, you do not use major artillery to engage in minor skirmishes. That small group of protesters the police tried to stop yesterday are the brainbox of the #bringbackourgirls campaign, which has gone viral globally. Their strategy was to call for global attention using social media platforms, global media conglomerates, world leaders and influential people to hold the feet of our derelict leaders to the fire and force them to be alive to their responsibilities . It is foolhardy and real tomfoolery on the part of government apparatchiks misleading Jonathan to moot the idea that using the police to disrupt the peaceful protest by this group will wish away the archipelago into which Jonathan has fallen into by his own making. The best Jonathan can do is to learn how to live with the growing outrage or better still provide police protection during such rallies. But when you have a bunch of jesters and circus clowns who have practically deserted from their duty posts in government, there is no limit or depth they cannot descend in the cesspit. How far down the atavistic road must we travel in order to turn recidivist totalitarianism into a post modern day virtue? Here is a government practically in the eye of the storm resorting into guerrilla tactics akin to the Hobbesian state described by Thomas Hobbes. Are they congenitally blind that they are yet to find out that the eyes of the storm is now their habitat, as global attention is focused on Nigeria? Trust the Nigerian Police to always spring up a surprise today, as the apparatchik of the practically helpless and clueless Goodluck Jonathan mislead him to go after the protesters now that the search for the missing girls have been taken over from him by a US led coalition. If I am President Jonathan, I will face my work squarely and will not attempt to use brute force to stop the protesters or harass their leaders. Thats disingenuous and will backfire. I dont think Jonathan will be able to withstand the backlash that shall follow such a malapropos Knee Jerk reaction from him. Jonathan should do away with the army of SYCOPHANTS misleading him and seek genuine help from those who truly mean well for his derelict government. As the Goodluck Jonathan administration continue to run from pillar to post, playing the Ostrich, it is instructive to put it across to his apparatchiks who are misleading him. As Kevin Spacey puts it, People dont want freedom. They want boundaries, rules and protection. But then POWER changes everything. People need a leader that will give them both the support and constraint to keep chaos at bay. You give them that and they will follow! This is where Oby Ezekwesili comes in! Oby Ezekwesili has been able to galvanize the entire world to stop for a minute and look at what is happening in Nigeria. By all standard she and her group have made a statement. They must have overshoot their target given the swift response and growing outrage their campaign have stirred in diverse people cutting across the universe. They have been able to galvanize the world to join the quest for our missing girls. Naturally they should take a break but because our missing girls are not yet back, they said NO! We must continue! And they will continue, just like the Malaysian government who have refused to give up the search for the wreckage from the fuselage of their missing plane several months after it mysteriously disappeared from the radar. Jonathan should know that we know that there is no certainty that all the missing girls will come back, and even if all of the girls come back, their is no guarantee that they shall return in pristine conditions in which they were shepherded away on that dark lonely and tortuous night of April 14. At this juncture, as the derelict Goodluck Jonathan regime engages the auxiliary gear in damage control, he should note that this shall not be limited to the 200 plus abducted girl or their parents and guardians. Nigeria as a country and Nigerians as a people are on trial in the global village square, having shown gross incompetence in responding to the challenge of the Boko Haram incubus. In conclusion, as Jonathan and his apparatchiks resort to self help in cleaning up their mess, they should have it on their conscience that the dereliction of duty in the wake of the Chibok abduction was the window many countries pass through to head in our direction to help us clear our mess. As we shamefully adopt neocolonialism instead of death in the hands of a brutal homicidal maniac infested with a virulent strain of religious ideology, we scream, Oh what a mess! The giant of Africa is now the subject of jokes and cause of amusement as we chose to make a joke of our predicament rather than make serious comments or suggestions. It shall take eons to live down this humiliation as Jonathan continue to scheme to keep his job for another four years. The focus of the International Media shall shift to we as a people should Jonathan get an extension of his contract for another four years in 2015. Blistering and contemptuous international critics and editors shall then descend heavily on us questioning our rationality and marvel at our illogicality and ludicrous foolishness as they wonder in a state of catalytic parapoism, (apologies Igodomigodo) our innate capacity for enduring plagiotropic plagues! The last ship to Konkobioko has left the dock. This is no time for grandstanding as there are no middle ground. We need Hercules to separate the two promontories to create a pass for us to avoid an imminent collision with the duo of the Rock of Gilbraltar and Jebel Musa on either side of the Strait of Gilbraltar, as we approach the far end of the Mediterranean sea. This is the point where we need a leader with the strength of Hercules and the wisdom of Solomon to protect us and lead us into the promise land. As Kevin Spacey rightly asserted, People need a leader that will give them both support and constraint to keep chaos at bay. You give them that and they will follow...... SA
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 08:13:45 +0000

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