PERFECT FRUITFULNESS that you may walk worthy of the Lord, - TopicsExpress


PERFECT FRUITFULNESS that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God - Colossians 1:10 As writing is what a pen was made to do, so is being fruitful one of the primary things humankind was made to do. As a pen that writes perfectly well will please its manufacturer, so will a human who is perfectly fruitful, fully pleases God their maker as the Scripture indicates. God is fruitful and He expects all His creation to be fruitful as such. This is why Jesus cursed the fig tree which had no fruit on it. He takes fruitfulness seriously. Being fruitful simply means using that which God has put in you to create beneficial units. Fruitfulness therefore means work, as the Scripture shows, being fruitful in every good work. Interestingly enough, God doesnt expect us to be fruitful by just working but He expects that we will be fruitful by doing good works. The root meaning of the adjective good which describes the nature of our works, is that which originates from God, that which is perfect. Hence, our works must be perfect. We are only being perfectly fruitful when we perfect our works. God expects us to be fruitful spiritually, mentally and physically. This must translate in our walk with Him and our fellow human beings. Our fruits must bring glory to God and be beneficial to humanity, including ourselves. Maybe you are not doing anything at all or you may be doing something but it does not honour God, neither is it beneficial to humanity. Maybe you are doing something but is that thing just pleasing God or is it fully pleasing Him as the Scripture teaches? Remember that our works will be judged. Therefore as Jesus said, dont be the tree which bore no good fruit and was cut down and cast into the fire. Be the tree that bears good fruit, whose fruit remains. Commit to perfection in all you works, in everything you do. Aspire to perfect fruitfulness spiritually, mentally and physically, that you may fully please the Lord your God. PRAYER: Lord, as You have created me in Christ Jesus for good works, I commit to a life of perfect fruitfulness.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 07:55:46 +0000

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