PERSEVERANCE HILLSIDE HELPS-“For yet a little while, and he - TopicsExpress


PERSEVERANCE HILLSIDE HELPS-“For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.” (Hebrews 10:37-39) One mark of a true Christian is their persistence, patience, and perseverance. The faith that saves is also the faith that keeps one in the eternal grip of God’s grace. Just as no man can save himself, neither can he keep himself. God is the One who saves and keeps. Our response to our Redeemer is to trust Him at all times and through all circumstances. The faith which only begs for a miracle in order to escape personal problems will last only until relief comes. But faith rooted in the sovereign purpose and plan of God Almighty, grows stronger when tested; not weaker. In our present days, the enemies of God have raised their heads in defiance of the Truth and manifest their ungodliness by persecuting those who walk in Truth. Fear not faithful ones, we have a promise that Jesus will soon come and redeem us from this present evil world… “He that shall come will come.” This is the hope of every true believer. It gives hope and encouragement to the faithful saints of God who are surrounded by darkness and trouble of every kind. One day soon the Lord Jesus will come to call out the called with a shout and the sounding of the trumpet. In an instant, pain and persecution will cease for those battling every moment of the day. All true believers will be caught up together as one body regardless of what labels had once divided them on earth. As the days draw nigh, I encourage everyone to focus on the Word of God, not on predictions and manmade guesses. The Word gives light to understanding spiritual things; yet so many have an end time faith linked to some money hungry self-proclaimed prophet whose primary interest is how much money you can send. Be a student of the Word. Read it through, pray it in, live it out, and pass it on. While you will eventually be disappointed by men, you will never be disappointed by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His promises are sure and His predictions are accurate. Today, make certain you are born again by the Spirit of God. Commit your life to living out the Word in these end times. Surrender to Jesus as Lord of your life in everything. The one who will be saved in the end is the one who persevered until the end. But, those who turn back because the times are too difficult will prove to themselves and the world that they never were truly a part of the faith which truly saves and keeps. (Bro Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 13:50:17 +0000

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