PLEASE BLESS SOMEONE WITH MY ARTICLE BELOW: SHARE ON YOUR WALL and WITH A FRIEND The Birthing of Vision The vision embodied in you is getting ready for birth. It is waiting for you to push. You are in labor! Labor is both painful and exciting. You are in pain as you are being prepared to experience something new. You will experience excitement for this new life that you are getting ready to birth. Get ready; take a deep breath and push. Push! Giving birth is an experience that you will never forget. The vision that comes forth will change your life. This vision is what will keep you going because you will know that it is necessary for you to become dynamic. How do you take a great deceiver like Jacob and make him a father of nations? It’s vision. If God is ever going to direct or redirect your life, he will start with a vision. God made you to have an abundant life, by vision. We are at the place where God is impregnating vision-carriers who understand the dynamic nature of vision. Vision is dynamic and is ever living. The only reason why many have not caught their vision is because they are asleep in the pursuit of self-actualization. Awaken vision-carriers. Wake up God directed vision-carriers. Open your spirit’s eye. Awaken all who sleeps in visionless lives. Awaken leaders who are leading without the vision that God gives. This is the time visionaries are needed. Where vision lacks the people will perish. God has so many vision-carriers on whom He wants to shine forth His great plans. Who are those vision-carriers? You are. Rise up and take flight! Understanding That You Are A Leader According to First Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” Leadership is an essential role in which to be. It should be modeled after The Lord Jesus. Who in my estimation is the greatest leader of us all. His leadership should be used as a role model and guideline for us to follow. Often times the message that we hear around us, is, “It’s all about me!” This resounds in the corporate world, the church, in small communities, and throughout society at large. Self-promotion and selfish ambitions may drive many to lead. This should not be the case. Leadership is an act of service extension or expansion, and not self-promotion. Therefore, followers should be viewed as future vision-carriers. You should then aim to empower those whom you lead. Even in the midst of ego driven leaders, stands an advance guard who eagerly waits, with ethereal grace and terrestrial fervency, to embrace their position and call as visionary leaders. They will take the vision that God gives them and soar with it. Effective leaders have vision and purpose. They make decisions that are beneficial to God’s designed-purpose, and destiny. That is why your destiny and position do not need to reflect your history. Neither do they have to be a mystery. However, to many people life is but a problem. Yet, don’t allow the vicissitudes of life to paralyze you. Therefore, don’t be stuck at meditation’s door seeking to find information. Visionaries don’t live by information they live by revelation. We don’t change the world around us simply by information we change it through inspiration. Whenever we find ourselves at that place where our lives are being governed by success undermining declarations, it is time for us to break ourselves free from that addiction of the paralyzing drug of negativism. If we are going to live as kingdom citizens, we cannot live a life that is governed by success undermining declarations. Undermining declarations are statements such as: stuff happens; life is unpredictable; if things are going to go wrong, it will go wrong; all good things must come to an end; if it is not one thing it is another; and this is as good as it gets. These statements are very poisonous to our lives. If this is what is coming out of our mouths, “how can we expect our lives to be victorious?” The words that come out of our mouths are extremely powerful and the Word of God says, “The tongue has the power of life and death …” (NIV 2008 paraphrased). Godly leaders make a lifestyle out of declaring the truths of God over their lives and the lives of others. They take God’s word with faith and speak life. You shall live and not die! In Proverbs 29:18 the Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he,” (KJV). This scripture depicts the nature and condition of some leaders. However, vision-driven leaders need to be bold, resilient, steadfast, trustworthy, committed, diligent, servant hearted, kind, and strong. This type of leader will use Christ as the model of excellence and will follow Him. All leaders who desire to lead effectively should model the Lord Jesus Christ. He came that we may also live as Godly leaders. VISION GREATER THAN SIGHT Dr. Dwight
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 13:57:57 +0000

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