PLEASE EMAIL THE SCHOOL BOARD TO COMPLAIN! Prairie Valley School #208 Box 1937, 3080 Albert St. N. Regina, SK S4P 3E1 Phone: 306-949-3366 Toll Free: 877-266-1666 Fax: 306-543-1771 Email: [email protected] IMAGINE T-SHIRTS THAT SAID Got money? thank a white person this has got to go. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=445835385518700&set=pb.332982123470694.-2207520000.1389822156.&type=3&theater That is the URL to our Facebook page covering the story of Tenelle Starr, 13, is in Grade 8 and goes to school in Balcarres, about 90 kilometres northeast of Regina. She is a member of the nearby Star Blanket First Nation. You are going to get that racist sweater out of your school if its the last thing I do with my life. You are going to make sure that NO child has to learn this bullying abusive racism from the natives. How dare you! This is enough now from their racist bullying dialogue. Michele Tittler First Nations Teen Allowed To Wear Offensive T-Shirt In School: A Saskatchewan student was told not to wear a sweatshirt in school that has the words Got Land? Thank an Indian on it, although officials have since relented. Tenelle Starr, 13, is in Grade 8 and goes to school in Balcarres, about 90 kilometres northeast of Regina. She is a member of the nearby Star Blanket First Nation. It supports our treaty and land rights ... Its important. Starr told CBC News Tuesday, as the issue over the message on her shirt reverberated at her school and online through her Facebook page. The front of her bright pink sweatshirt says Got Land? The back says Thank an Indian. The message references the link between historic treaties and land for what would become Canada. In Saskatchewan, most First Nations have treaties with the Crown dating to the late 1800s. The so-called Numbered Treaties, which cover all of Saskatchewan, are formal agreements that created a relationship between the Crown and First Nations. {formal agreements that created a relationship. This, of course, is how the CBC misleads about the Land Surrender Treaties, where Indians became British subjects...} Starr said she wore her new sweatshirt to school on the first day of classes after the Christmas break, with no problems. Since then, however, she was told other students had complained about the message on her sweater and was asked to change. They told me to remove my sweater because it was offending other people, she said. Starr added that one of her teachers told her that some people viewed the message as racist. I didnt think it was racist, she said, adding she was embarrassed by the request to change. Although she did wear a cousins shirt on the day she was first asked to change, she wore the sweatshirt again on subsequent school days. That led to a meeting with school officials, Starr and her mother. After that, she was told to wear the sweater inside out. I didnt really want to, Starr said. I thought, whats the point of wearing it inside out? Starr said she reminded officials about some of the lessons she had learned. We were taught Indians were on this land first, she said. So why are people offended? She later learned that some people in the community had contacted the school to complain about the sweater, although it was not clear how they came to hear about the shirt. Tenelle said all the attention has been stressful and she cant understand how the shirt generated such controversy. I wear it proudly around the school, she said, even though some students have told her the message is cheeky and rude. Additional meetings between the school and leaders of the Star Blanket First Nation led to an understanding that Stars sweatshirt, and its message, were acceptable after all. Were all on the same page, Sheldon Poitras, a council member from the reserve, told CBC News Tuesday night. Theyre in full support of the students wearing that type of a T-shirt or sweater and they had no intention of infringing on anything. {???} --First Nation teen told not to wear Got Land? shirt at school, CBC News, Jan 14, 2014 https://facebook/tenellestarr?fref=ts **************** **************** COMMENTS: Im happy the young girl stuck to her guns, (sic), and won this argument. My position remains the same. Natives should reclaim much if not all of Northern Canada for themselves and tell the imports to get the hell of their land. After which they should strike deals with their ancestral forefathers in China for the development of that land. Regardless of what others may say or think about what will happen to the land. At least for once, the natives will be paid fairly for what was and remains their rightful property. Maybe then, and only then will the imports shut up and start to look at the situation in a whole new light. Especially when they return to living in a third world environment in their cluster of cities. The End. Good-Luck and Good-Bye !!!! ****************** Interesting plans you have for the Americas. Has it occurred to you that there might be a little bit of resistance? And then there is the massively costly requirement of DNA testing to find out who has FN ancestry and who doesnt. And the splitting of families involved with that. You do realize that were a very blended lot here in North America, dont you? ***************** This t-shirt is racist and offensive, but not surprising. Tribalism was an overtly racist stage of human development because it was based on blood lines, not citizenship. Catering to this reactionary tribalism only postpones the necessary move into the future, and simply guarantees more serious racial trouble in Canada. The fact that Canadian students being offended by this doesnt matter means that Canadians will have to start pushing back against this Indian aggression -- and it will be the fault of the politically-correct crowd, particularly our schools. There IS an inherent tribal racism and refusing to acknowledge this will only make it worse... ***************** Got perpetually free post secondary education? Thank a Canadian. ***************** Here is the kicker for me. If some other kid wore a shirt that 1.....and I mean 1 minority was offended by at school it would be deemed racist. Judging by the CBC pole almost 1 out of every 4 people believes the shirt is racist. That should be enough to deem it racist to me..... One law. ***************** Yes, they were here first (congratulations) and were not advancing as a race. No new technology or culture for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. The people I do thank are the pioneers that had the balls to come settle the north-west (as in hemisphere) and my ancestors that had the balls to board a boat and look for a better life than what was offered in Europe. The fact that you were here first doesnt mean a thing. Be happy you werent all killed by the people that took your land and join us in moving Canada forward. As a nation your problems will persist until you decide (along with our useless govt) youre Canadians and not a special interest group with separate rights. ***************** History is History. Yes I feel bad for the atrocities of the past. The new ones in office have not made the decision to force natives off their land, or starved them or ordered inhuman experiments made on native children. If your forefathers did bad things, should you be labeled as a criminal? I did not steal any land. What I do have, I have to pay for; even when I am done, I still have to pay taxes or I lose it. As for Crown land, it belongs to every Canadian, regardless of the blood line. I have native, French and Acadian in my blood line. The Acadians were deported from Nova Scotia, and their farmlands given to the English settlers. Some were even brought back as servants to work and maintain the dikes and farm fields they have cultivated. I dont hear hear of land claims made my Cajuns nor do I hold a grudge against the people living there today. ***************** The slogan is a veiled threat i.e. you got your land illegally and some day we will take it back. ***************** Bravo Tenelle! See how much you stirred up by just wearing a smart shirt? Great awareness raising, I applaud you, and wish I knew where to get one myself. I am not a FN woman, but I would happily wear it because its the plain old truth and it needs to be accepted by all. I am impressed so many people support you and were made to think. Attitudes in the settler communities are changing for the better, none too soon, which benefits us all. ***************** REPLY: What do you mean by settler communities? Have we had a recent invasion of wagon trains from some other country? Why is that not in the news? If youre referring to the descendants of people that came at one time came from other shores, then your comment is race based and bigoted and should be flagged for removal, as most other comments containing the words settler, white man, colonizers and all that should be... We need less racial/cultural/religious division, not more of it. And if I may ask, what about all of the people that are of blended background? Kind of an elephant in the room topic to date. ***************** So uh - the Indians created this land? The Indians gave it to themselves? There was no one here before they arrived? Uh - think again, and try to keep a truly open mind. ***************** What is offending is the implied superiority and request for being eternally grateful to one group of the Canadian society by all others. Many bloody wars have been fought over such claims and it is a pity if lessons have not been learned. The land in Canada belongs to all Canadians and what they make with it to bring prosperity and well-being for all (including those making the one-sided claims) is what matters. ***************** The breaches of treaties go both ways! Treaties drive a wedge between the people of this land! I for one dont live in the past, but aim for a better future for us all. Time to abolish the treaties and aim for equality!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 22:37:23 +0000

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