PLEASE READ AND SHARE ! a man from new jersey puts the flag of - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ AND SHARE ! a man from new jersey puts the flag of ISIS outside of his house ! the world needs a wake up call questions questions who are these people ? who is ISIS or ISIL ? and now it is IS I would like to write in the CAPS letters on here (SCREAM OUT LOUD ) ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND SYRIA ISLAMIC STATE IN IRAQ AND THE LEVANT it is soon to be ISW ( ISLAMIC STATE IN THE WHOLE WORLD ) a man who belongs to radical Islam put the ISIS black flag outside his home , the flag says no Lord but God , Mohamed is prophet of God which by all means all others are: Infidels: people who do not believe in God and must convert to Islam or they believe in the Christ as a son of God which according to their beliefs is wrong just like their banner says no Lord but God ) there radical Islams are trying to spread islam all over the world , their main goal is to apply the sharia ( Islamic laws ) which consist of , cutting the heads of people who will not convert to Islam , rape, use , enslaving women of other religions, use the land of others thinking it is their land and it is demanded by God to chose them as leaders of the world . the main base of these jihadi radical Islams was created in Afghanistan 20 years. they started recruiting Islam from all over the world , alot from others countries joined by listening to their representatives in mosques all over the world, most of them are from the Wahhabi brand of Islam , from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia , morocco, Kuwait, Qatar , and the ones in Europe and the U.S . they started as a minority in an era that the whole hated them and people never supported them, human right organization let them refuge to Europe and the U.S not knowing the fact that these people arent refugees , they consider themselves ( soldiers of islam ) and their mission is to spread Islam anyway they can! one way of spreading islam is suicide bombings , killing , cutting head off to scare away others . September 11th 2001 was one their attacks on the U.S by bombing both of the international trade towers in New York. the question is people .. why are they all over the world and why are our governments ignoring the, they are now putting their flags all over and protesting and asking for more rights than other citizens have , stating that they must have more rights , they are now controliing east syria and west iraq where the suni brand of islam is , committing crimes left and right , beheading people who will NOT convert to islam , the christian / yezidi genocide has been going on for almost a week now and ignored by the whole world , they beheaded people , raped women, took everything they had , all they had is thier clothes that were on when they fled, over 40,000 yezidis are trapped in the mountains scared to go back to their houses , they have been living their for thousands of years , over 2000 died trapped in mountains, no food no water . radical ismals are now all over , if we don not educate others and who they are and try to protect our self we will end up the way the yezides are ! they protested in Sweden , Switzerland, U.K , France, Germany , Italy , Belgium , as you can see most people in this video do not know what that flag means ! the flag means we will kill all of you under the flag of no Lord but God ! we must educate others to know what this means and demand for actions by our government to do something about them before we see these monsters in our backyard !!!!! I am not judging no one and not hating on the religious beliefs of others , but these Wahhabi radical islams will kill us all if we do not do something about it !
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:09:15 +0000

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