PLEASE READ MY DEAR FRIENDS.....NOVEMBER ENERGIES of 11.11 2014...A MONTH THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR REALITY......You will feel extra sensative this month...all old emotions are showing up strongly......this is an indication that you need to let go of all old damaging patterns of behaviour and being, that no longer serve you. the energies are changing to a lighter frequency, and we have to be a vibrational match to those energies to feel compatible and be in sync with earth energies...hence we need to let go of dense energies inside us. Its like you are on this journey, and you are allowed to carry only limited let go of ll the past drama, trauma and excess baggage that does not serve you now. We cannot change our past, but we can definately change the energy of our past, by releasing all emotional attatchement to the can rewrite your taking lighter energies into your future....22.11 2014 is another powerful day when the sun will move into saggitarius. 11 is a master number and 22 is a master number. its time for manifesting new realities.its also a day for new moon in saggitarius, and new moon is all about creating and manifesting your future....its a day when the sun and moon will be in saggitarius, at zero degrees, and zero is the number of wholness and completion.....and this is the energy from which anything can be created.....super powerful potent energies to create with a CHOICE....make the most of this time by letting go of all the past baggage, all that does not serve you any more......stay focused on what you want to create and not what your scared of.....And see your life unfold beautifully in front of you with new energies...Empty your cup before the next year 2015, so that you could make room for new stuff to come in.......FOR ANYONE WHO NEEDS SUPPORT AND HELP, TO GET MORE CLARITY ON THE SAME, CAN CONTACT ME. LOVE AND LIGHT...RAMON LLAMBA
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:35:00 +0000

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