PLEASE READ, SHARE, AND SEND OUT THOSE EMAILS On June 21, 2014 every news organization in the U.S. reported that Donald Trump was “unhappy” with the $41 million payout to the Central Park perps. There’s one huge problem with that; Donald Trump has ZERO to do with this case and knows ZERO facts yet his words are still considered “newsworthy”. The black arresting officer who witnessed a majority of the events of the case in the first 12 hours gives an interview and guess what??? NONE OF THE MEDIA CARES AT ALL. What I have to say on this case couldn’t be half as important as Donald Trump because he’s wealthy, and I’m only a poor black guy who’s eyewitness account is inconvenient for many people. I’m asking you all to send an email to every one of the news outlets I have listed below with the following message; Dear Sirs/Madame New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio just gave away without a jury to examine the evidence, $41 million dollars to five men who on the night of April 19, 1989 went into Central Park with their stated intention to go “wilding” which means beating, robbing and raping people. $41 million of taxpayer’s money without the benefit of a public jury trial to decide the facts went to these thugs. The arresting officer Eric Reynolds, a retired Detective just gave an interview which directly contradicts their “documentary” and contradicts the charges brought about in their lawsuit, which in paragraph 77, page 19 states, “This deliberate (the police investigation)effort was fueled as well by the biases and prejudices of the mostly white detectives and assistant district attorneys, who set aside all objectivity in a deliberate and concerted effort, not to discover who was responsible for the rape and assault of the jogger, but to manufacture through coercion and deception a case against the adolescent plaintiffs.”-(UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re McCray, Richardson, Santana, Wise, and Salaam Litigation 03 Civ.9685 Amended Consolidated Complaint). I would like to know why you continue to report this hoax of their “innocence” as a fact without any proof of the alleged “police misconduct”? I would like to know why $41 million of city money went to these thugs when the evidence shows they beat robbed and raped people? I would like to hear from the “Central Park 5” what their intention was in coming to Central Park on the night of April 19, 1989 and what did they do while there? I would like to hear something other than what the perp’s apologists have to say since the police and prosecutors were not allowed to speak until now. I would like to see the “Central Park 5’s” videotaped confessions that shows them “sleep deprived” and being “coerced” and “fed answers”. I would like to know why with NO INFORMATION from police and prosecutors Mayor DeBlasio CIRCUMVENTED the courts and gave away $41 million dollars taxpayers dollars. Yours truly cavecomedyradio/abelincolnstophat/central-park-five-arresting-officer-eric-reynolds Please email everything from above this line in quotation marks to; (JUST COPY ALL OF THE EMAILS BELOW, PUT THEM IN THE Bcc LINE OF WHO YOU ARE SENDING IT TO AND PUT THE ABOVE STATEMENT IN THE BODY) dhamill@nydailynews cmyler@nydailynews abrowne@nydailynews jrich@nydailynews rmoore@nydailynews mlupica@nydailynews tips@nypost online@nypost letters@nypost news-tips@nytimes metro@nytimes letters@nytimes executive-editor@nytimes nytnews@nytimes dwyer@nytimes scoop@huffingtonpost wcbstvnewstips@cbs contact.nbcnews@nbcuni
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 18:30:52 +0000

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