PLEASE READ THIS...Kathy Ramseur Vernon..Thank You for sharing - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ THIS...Kathy Ramseur Vernon..Thank You for sharing this, i think i felt each emotion as this courageous mother felt. My Daughter Angie Campbell Rusmisel..took a walk down a hallway for a test to see if the child she was carrying, had inherited a birth defect from Me, her Mother.I had my surgery at 6 weeks old, to save my life at Duke University Hospital in N. C. also had a Genealogist to meet with us to maybe help Further their Case Study of my life, the study of Spina Bifida. When they called my daughters name, I AM SO PROUD she STOOD PROUD,Held her head up high and behind her was our babies Father Terry Rusmisel..and I took My rightful place...behind My Family. As we got about halfway down the hallway...I felt something that I HAVE NEVER AGAIN FELT, We were not seeing this baby to decide to abort, we were finding out what we may need to prepare for such a precious SPECIAL CHILD. All of a sudden, every Emotion that my mind and body Could Ever Produce came over me, a crazy mixture of love,laughter,joy,fear,excitement,tears,Pride in Abundance,prayer,anxiety,weakness overcame me leaving me with No Ability to move. But in Front of me was My Proud, Courageous Daughter and The Father of My Grandchild, I had to follow Them to support Them, with my every emotion out of my control, I did. Dear God in Heaven, I Thank You for My Normal, Healthy 14 year Teen with a Tude ! The Code Man, his first pet name, by his aunt Maxine, who has since moved to Heaven, I remember the EXACT Day she called him that and it stuck. I HAVE TO TAKE THIS Opportunity to BEG ALL YOU WOMEN OF CHILD BEARING AGE, Mothers, Tell Your Daughters...Daughters tell your Friends...(and if you need to know when that is, ask me) PLEASE, I BEG YOU, HELP PREVENT SPINA BIFIDA , by simply taking 400 mgs of FOLIC ACID ONCE A DAY,Knowledge IS PREVENTION. Folic Acid its a cheap over the counter vitamin, whether you are planning a child or not. This is the One,and the Only Known Preventative Action A Mother Can Take To Prevent This, it was not even known to be inherited, or preventable when my parents planned for me. It occurs at THE EXACT MOMENT OF CONCEPTION, so the day after you are pregnant is TOO LATE. No Im not a Dr. , speak with yours...I Live With this NOW KNOWN PREVENTABLE BIRTH DEFECT, My Plea is for those that cant speak for themselves, sometimes for their entire life, if they even survive. Thank You for reading, Please share this on your timeline. I NEED to reach as many people as I can. ~ Ginger Greene Campbell~
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:59:36 +0000

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