PLEASE READ TO THE END AND THEN PLEASE DECLARE YOUR INTENTIONS! EGYPT IS MAKING A LOUD AND CLEAR STATEMENT TO THE WORLD. THEY ARE TIRED OF THE IRON HANDED TACTICS OF MORSI, WHO HAS ALMOST SINGLE HANDEDLY DESTROYED THE EGYPTIAN ECONOMY. THEY ARE ALSO LOUD AND CLEAR WITH THEIR DISGUST FOR THE MAN WHO WAS BEHIND HIS RISE TO POWER, PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. PLEASE READ TO THE END AND THEN PLEASE DECLARE YOUR INTENTIONS! EGYPT IS MAKING A LOUD AND CLEAR STATEMENT TO THE WORLD. THEY ARE TIRED OF THE IRON HANDED TACTICS OF MORSI, WHO HAS ALMOST SINGLE HANDEDLY DESTROYED THE EGYPTIAN ECONOMY. THEY ARE ALSO LOUD AND CLEAR WITH THEIR DISGUST FOR THE MAN WHO WAS BEHIND HIS RISE TO POWER, PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. They call Morsi a facist and they are also warning Americans of the facist who was behind his rise to power. More importantly they are a 21st Century version of our rise to independence and gaing freedom from the tyrannical control of the British. It took the Egyptians less than a year to acknowledge tyranny and then to stand firmly and resolutley against it. The massive uprising quickly brought the military to their side and now Morsi is in exile. They are urging US to do the same with the tyrant we are now suffering under. How long will Americans continue to allow this man to destroy this nation I love dearly. It is time "We The People" make our public stand. This man is purging our military, he is circumventing our Constitutional way of doing business. The Citizaens of the US are the government and before we have no nation to call ours, we need to end the mockery and foolery that has become the standard fare of our federal government. They no longer serve the best interests of we the people because , yet we do little in stopping them. Their lust for power and authority has gone beyond reason. I challenge ALL Americans to make tomorrow the NEW American Independence Day. A day that we all resolve to draw the line in the sand and tell Doublespeak City that if they choose to cross it they do so at their peril. WE cannot wait until the 2014 elections. We must target and recall all legislators that have foisted the last 5 years on our economy. We must also demand the removal of the whole regime in the Executive Branch. Make Independednce Day 2013 a day that will go down in history, make it a day that signals a new beginning, a day where we will no longer stand for federal oppression. A day our children and grandchildren can look back at with pride, knowing this was the day we secured their freedoms AND their FUTURE. Join US as we assist you in finding the best people in your states and districts to serve you and by serving you they also serve this nation. ~Benghazi~MLB infowars/egyptian-protesters-blame-obama-for-morsi-dictatorship/
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 06:37:56 +0000

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