POLITICS OF RELIGION: Has anyone noticed that General Buhari has - TopicsExpress


POLITICS OF RELIGION: Has anyone noticed that General Buhari has not gone to any mosque or church to campaign or woo any Islamic Cleric, Pastor or Bishop for the purpose of winning election. This is because Buhari does not believe in religion mixing with governance. He has always said matters of faith is personal. President Jonathan has been moving from church to church, crusade to crusade campaigning and making policy statements. He now bribed pastors and some influential christian leaders within CAN and PFN to be demarketing Buhari and preaching hate against Muslims all in a bid to instill fear of islamisation into christians with a Buhari Presidency. The hypocrisy writ large in all of this is the fact that it is not about Jonathans love for Jesus or a fight to defend and protect the christian faith. It is only about a vaunting ambition for second term and preservation of the looting regime. Nothing underscores this fact than a Namadi Sambo, Vice President going to Kano to say Buhari is not a true Muslim because he has a Christian runing mate who has 5000 churches. Pray! Sambo is now a true Muslim when he is running with a Christian President. See how the President and his Vice are using scare mongering as a weapon of campaign and systematically destroying the country they are both presiding over. Tell me, which serious leader anywhere in the world divide his or her country along religious and ethnic divides like Jonathan is doing, planting seed of discord, bitterness and hatred among citizens. I just pray this terrible seed will not germinate to become a big tree that will consume this country in future. The level of hate in Nigeria today among adherents of Christian and Islamic faiths is just to too much. The level of bitterness among various ethnic groups especially among Northerners and Southerners is too deep seated. Let it be said loud and clear that Jonathan accentuated these bitterness and hatred along religious and ethnic divides since 2010 and he is still continuing in that destructive path all in a bid to win election. No Nigerian leader in history has divided this country along our fault lines like Jonathan. He is a very divisive President. LEST OUR COUNTRY GOES TO RUIN.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 06:01:04 +0000

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