POOFness for OCT 19 2014: Stairway (Posted @The Rumor Mill News - TopicsExpress


POOFness for OCT 19 2014: Stairway (Posted @The Rumor Mill News Reading Room, compiled by Rique Seraphico). LED ZEPPELIN LYRICS - Stairway To Heaven Theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold And shes buying a stairway to heaven. When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed With a word she can get what she came for. Ooh, ooh, and shes buying a stairway to heaven. Theres a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings. In a tree by the brook, theres a songbird who sings, Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven. Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it makes me wonder. Theres a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees, And the voices of those who stand looking. Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder. And its whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, Then the piper will lead us to reason. And a new day will dawn for those who stand long, And the forests will echo with laughter. If theres a bustle in your hedgerow, dont be alarmed now, Its just a spring clean for the May queen. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run Theres still time to change the road youre on. And it makes me wonder. Your head is humming and it wont go, in case you dont know, The pipers calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind? And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold. And if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll. And shes buying a stairway to heaven. youtube/watch?v=8pPvNqOb6RA ___________________________________ Greetings and Salutations: POOF SAID: There is good news and that is that some breaks are occurring that will ease the tensions and the dynamics that has be incurring by laboring volunteers in getting the entire list of programs pulled through to the appropriate venue. It is a pleasant surprise by the slowly evolving spirit of cooperation that has begun to surface. It is well past time but then the shift in thinking has to happen, when it happens it is one all have been waiting for so long. I am happy to report that real progress is being made. Thats enough. It is factual and concrete...P... ZAP SAYS: HI ALL THIS COMING WEEK IS TO SEE THE BEGINNING OF MANY VISIBLE CHANGES THAT HAVE BEEN A LONG TIME IN COMING. I CAN NOT SAY MUCH TO THESE AS THE SENSITIVITIES ARE SUCH THAT NOTHING MUCH CAN BE SAID. BUT ALL IS WELL. THE ONLY THING THAT I CAN SUGGEST IS THAT WE ALL HOLD THE FREQUENCY OF LOVE AT THE FOREFRONT, AND KEEP THIS ENERGY FLOWING OUT TO EVERYTHING WE DO. DESPAIR AND NEGATIVE CRAP ONLY SERVE TO FEED THE OTHER SIDE. I AM CONCENTRATING ON FULFILLING THE PRELIMINARY MECHANICS OF THE PROJECT SIDE, AND GOING THROUGH MANY BUSINESS PLANS AND SUMMARIES SEEING HOW THEY FIT INTO THE OVERALL MATRIX OF FUNDINGS THAT ARE INEVITABLE. THE TIMING IS HARD TO PINPOINT AS THE GLOBAL CHANGES ARE SO UP AND DOWN THESE DAYS, AND SCHEDULES CONSTANTLY KEEP SHIFTING. THE RELEASES ARE STILL COMING, BUT I DARE NOT SPECULATE EVEN WHEN THESE WILL BE HERE. FIVE MINUTES, FIVE DAYS OR FIVE WEEKS…I DO NOT KNOW PRECISELY, JUST THAT THEY WILL COME. THE DINAR PAYOUTS ARE TO BEGIN IN THE NEXT WEEK I WAS TOLD (PRIVATE SIDE). HISTORIC BONDS STILL NOT IN THE OFFICIAL TIME, WITH ONLY A FEW PAYMENTS ON THE PRIVATE SIDE AS WELL. SLOW START. IN OTHER NEWS, A FEW THINGS. Dear ZAP, the URL about Yellowstone in your current report is Sorcha Faal, a well known disinfo source, also regularly loaded with malware of all kind. Best regards, S YES, SORCHA IS WELL KNOWN, BUT THAT DOES NOT OBVIATE THE YELLOWSTONE ISSUE. THAT IS A SUPER VOLCANO, AND IF TRIGGERED, EXPECT TO SEE A LOT OF SNOW REAL QUICK. Greetings Zap, Below is an excerpt from the latest Benjamin Fulford letter, pertaining to who is in control, which makes me think that same folks are fully aware of the Yellowstone situation and will not allow it to happen. Also, our brothers upstairs, (as you like to call them), are certainly not going to let it happen. Why would they bother to deactivate atomic warheads, only to allow that which you say scares the s**t out of you? Just more fear mongering, in a desperate attempt to keep control, I think. Benjamin Fulford - October 6, 2014: The white hats control the weather, now it is time to control the rest. As this article goes to press in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, October 6th, 2014, the night skies above are clear, following a sunny day of idyllic mild autumn weather. The problem was the Japanese meteorological agency (JMA) and all the corporate news outlets were saying Tokyo was supposed to be hit by a monster typhoon Phanfone today. Instead, all there was was some mildly heavy rain overnight with little or no wind. More remarkably, the JMA satellite imagery showed what appeared to be a wedge cutting the typhoon in half before it hit Tokyo. Link: jma.go.jp/en/gms/largec.html?area=0&element=0&mode=JST Do you ever get that feeling of Déjà vu? This is not the first time a monster typhoon has vanished just before hitting Tokyo. On July 8th of this year super typhoon Neoguri was also supposed to devastate Tokyo but instead, as an astronaut watching from the International Space Station noted, “it was cut in half” and arrived as a moderate rainstorm. Link: enenews/cnn-45-ft-waves-off-japan-coast-expert-biggest-waves-ive-ever-seen-absolutely-overwhelming-official-rains-on-an-unseen-scale-high-danger-of-landslides-record-rainfall Many other previous “super typhoons” have similarly vanished before hitting heavily populated areas in recent years. In the US, no hurricane has landed in nearly 9 years (Sandy was something else), something that is completely without precedent. This is no coincidence. About 9 years ago, some people claiming to represent US special forces told the White Dragon Society they had seized the US weather warfare facilities from the cabal after a heavy gunfight. It seems they are now using the weather modification facilities to save lives, not take lives. If any readers are still not aware that weather modification technology is real and has a long history, they should take note of the US/Soviet treaty of 1978 banning the use of weather modification for warfare. HYPERLINK: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_Modification_Convention en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_Modification_Convention WEATHER CONTROL IS ESSENTIAL TO THE SURVIVAL OF OUR SPECIES, THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN. THOSE THAT WOULD WEAPONIZE THIS CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ARE OUT TO LUNCH AND ONLY HURTING THEMSELVES. Hi Susan and ZAP, ....AND FEW GOOD PEOPLE HAVE STEPPED UP TO PROVIDE THE FINAL HELPING HANDS. Does that mean that more good people are needed? I would be more than happy to be of assistance if I can. I am one of those poor folks ZAP mentioned though, doing all I can to keep a roof over my familys head and food on the table, so financial assistance is just about out of the question. Let me know if there is something else that I can do to help though. Kind regards, T Those that are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. -Plato FINANCIAL HELP TO THOSE THAT WORK WITHOUT INCOME IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING THEM ALIVE AND WORKING FOR HUMANITY. NOTHING ELSE IS THERE. PEOPLE LIKE YOU SEEM TO BE THE ONLY ONES THAT CARE ABOUT THIS, AS THE WEALTHIER ONES PONDER WHETHER OR NOT THESE PEOPLE DESERVE ANYTHING. THEY TEND TO THINK OTHER THAN WITH THEIR HEART. MUCH THANKS T. GOD BLESS YOU AND OTHERS LIKE YOU FOR YOUR HELP. Do you know if Saint Germain is with us in body, or is he doing his marvelous job through telepathy? BOTH. Zap- Thank you SO much for all that you do. I have been a follower of the Poof newsletter for the last 5 years. I learned about the GCR just over 14 months ago. When I realized I would soon come into amazing wealth from this, all I could think about were all of the things I could buy with the money I would receive from exchanging Dong. After spending a year educating myself on St. Germain, what the GCR is really about and what it truly means to come into possession of these funds, I can now honestly say that all I think about now is how many people I can help with this blessing once the public RV finally occurs. I know there are many like myself who would be honored to lend a hand in helping restore the earth to pristine condition, but I feel some of us do not know where to start. I would like to contribute my energy and resources, but Im not sure who to trust in the current situation our planet is in. I come from the school of thought where a mans word is his bond and a handshake is ironclad. Any input or direction you can give me is much appreciated. I send you light and love from one lightworker to another and I hope you are in better health today! SOON THE SITE TO GO TO WILL BE PUBLISHED. THIS HAS BEEN IN THE WORKS FOR A LONG TIME, BUT IT IS NOT TIME YET TO DO THE REVEAL. AGAIN, BE PATIENT. THE FOLLOWING IS OF GREAT INTEREST TO ME, BUT I HAVE NOT CHECKED OUT THE VERACITY OF THIS INFORMATION. IF TRUE, THEN IT WOULD FIT WITH ALL THE EVENTS I SEE TRANSPIRING. IF DISINFORMATION, THEN IT IS BRILLIANT. REMEMBER THAT THERE IS A GREAT DEAL OF DISINFORMATION OUT THERE FOR WHATEVER REASON. MAGIC CARD TRICKS COME TO MIND. Special Report, Oct. 16th In a nutshell..........the IMF has changed hands, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank are being taken over by the Dragon Family. The US controlled cabal has gone before the World Court and been denied their request to file bankruptcy. That means they are responsible for the indebtedness they have created. It also means they are being stripped of most of their funds to perform there tasks and actions to control and dominate world issues. The Dragon Family is in the process of taking over the dominant financial institutions which is also removing the Cabals power and control. For over a year I have been saying there would be no RV/GCR until the Cabal was neutered, taken out of control. That process started last week and is under way right now. Meetings are being set up with a collation of over 120 countries to work through the logistics of changing the world banking systems. This shift does not mean we will be exchanging our currencies immediately. Please do not ask any dates, this is a process that takes time. This is the first step news we have been waiting for. The shift is happening. Ill keep you posted with new developments. Dave Schmidt The Sedona Connection WE SHALL SEE. Hi Susan I hope you are doing well. These have been very trying times for all of us!! I know right now Im getting really discouraged with all that is going on, and Im hoping that Zap has some great news for us in his mid-week update. It seems that the bad guys are working over time these days, with the ebolo scare, almost as though .... let the culling begin with their forced vaccinations??? This is just ridiculous. So, Im wondering just how much more of this crap are they going to pull? I keep hoping that something is going to give soon, but it just doesnt appear to be happening. The economy is crashing, yet the msm (which I dont even watch) focuses on all their scare tactics. I see the fear in people (my mother), who is sure shes going to contract this disease, and will probably be one standing in line to get her shot and who knows whats in those? Let the culling begin. So, I guess thats my question ... how much more of this is to come? Is ANYTHING positive really going to happen this month? Delay after delay after delay and here we are mid-way through October 2014??? Is this going to go on until/after 2015? By then, whats left?? Thanks Susan. Dont mean to be such a downer today, but I AM today!! Deb DESPITE ALL THE NEGATIVITY, KEEP YOUR CHIN UP, AND DO NOT SURRENDER. THINGS WILL CHANGE TO THE BETTER AND VERY SOON FROM ALL I HAVE BEEN PRIVY TO. THE VACCINATIONS THING IS PROVEN. INDIA DOES NOT LIKE GATES AS THE VACCINATIONS GIVEN TO THEM HAVE CAUSED MANY DEATHS AND OTHER BAD THINGS. WHY IS BILL INVOLVED IN SUCH THINGS? Dear Susan and Zap, Landa Global/Humanus/Dragonsheart posted the following warning this week. I responded with the following suggestion: Dear Sirs, If the phytoplankton is being destroyed, then an alternate form of oxygen generation must be employed. I was thinking about this recently and it came to mind that if every compatible internal combustion engine was converted over to a water to Hydrogen/Oxygen cold fusion generator, then perhaps the excess oxygen vented to the atmosphere would be enough to overcome the depletion until the phytoplankton can be restored. Kind regards, G HMMMM…THERE IS ONE ITEM HERE THAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. IF YOU CONVERT ENGINES TO RUN ON BROKEN OUT WATER, YES YOU ARE BURNING HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN, BUT YOU ARE RECOMBINING THESE DURING COMBUSTION TO WATER AGAIN. NO OXYGEN GETS OUT TO THE ATMOSPHERE, JUST WATER. I AM NOT FAMILIAR WITH THE HYDROGEN/OXYGEN FUSION GENERATOR. DOES IT RELEASE EXCESS OXYGEN? CURIOUS HOW IT WORKS. I DO KNOW THAT SUPERMAGNETICS ARE REALLY EASY TO DO AND WHAT GOES IN IS SMALL, AND WHAT COMES OUT IS LARGE. ZERO POINT IS THERE. THERE ARE MANY MANY OTHER TECHNOLOGIES THAT HAVE THE SAME OVER UNITY CHARACTERISTICS, AND THESE ARE ALL COMING OUT NOW. ON THE FUKUSHIMA QUESTION, THE RADIOACTIVITY CONSTANTLY BEING DUMPED IN THE PACIFIC IS HAVING A DEADLY EFFECT ON ALL LIFE. I TRULY HOPE THIS WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE ATTEMPTING TO FIX THIS PROBLEM BESIDES HUMANUS, AND HOPEFULLY THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE JOB. WE ARE DEPENDING ON THEM TO DO SO. THE PIGS ARE QUITE ADVERSE TO RADIATION. KEEP THE POSITIVE SIDE IN THE FRONT, AND BE PATIENT. ALL WILL BE REVEALED SOON ENOUGH. WITH ANY LUCK, THE ONLY VEGETABLES AROUND WILL BE ON OUR PLATE. IN LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” October 19, 2014. Copyright ZAP 2014. THANK YOU FOR HELPING US CONTINUE SENDING THE NEWS. PLEASE GO TO PayPal and donate to goneforthfornow@gmail If your having a problem please contact us at [email protected] Love and Kisses, THE OFFICE OF POOFNESS Susan and Staff =====
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 04:05:40 +0000

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