POPE FRANCIS AND ALL HIS BISHOPS, PRIESTS AND NUNS MUST BE PUT TO DEATH BY BURNING! SO DO WITH MUSLIM CLERICS OR IMAMS, AS WELL AS BUDDHIST MONKS. ALSO, IGLESIA NI CRISTO MINISTERS, HINDU GURUS AND MORMON ELDERS, THEY MUST BE SENT TO HELL BEFORE THEY SEND YOU THERE! IN THIS WAY, MONEY LAUNDERING STOPS. by Man of God, Raul Morales False prophets or Teachers of Demonic Religions must not go unpunished. God is pouring out His wrath to people because of them. They don’t do any good to you or your country. They are the cause of your disasters! Not only that they take your money or belongings, they send you and your love ones to hell! Religions which are proven Demonic and Devilish are ROMAN CATHOLICISM, ISLAM, BUDDHISM, HINDUISM, MORMONISM and IGLESIA NI CRISTO. Refer to the pictures and the following articles which testify against them; PURGATORIAN BARBEQUE dtcele.au/downloads/148678/PurgatorianBarbeque.pdf ISLAMIC PORK dtcele.au/downloads/148607/ISLAMIC+PORK.pdf QUR’AN TALKS ABOUT MOSES dtcele.au/downloads/457012/Hindu+Demons.pdf HINDU DEMONS dtcele.au/downloads/457012/Hindu+Demons.pdf WHAT SATAN SAID https://dtcelemusicaustralia.secure.myob.net/downloads/2632873/WhatSatanSaid.pdf THE 666 BEAST dtcele.au/news/the-666-beast/14621 POPE BENEDICT XVI AND POPE FRANCIS (The Beast Out of the Earth and the Beast Out of the Sea) ulraxnsydney.blogspot.au/2013/03/pope-benedict-xvi-pope-francis-i.html The Truth is Jesus Christ, whatever He said regarding His Father, God that is what we follow and obey. We don’t follow Scriptures written by Mere Idiots – Mohammed and other prophets of Islam, Catholic Saints of the Dead, Buddhist Monks, Hindu Gurus, Moroni and other prophets of the Mormons, Iglesia Ni Cristo Spacemen, etc. Know who Jesus Christ really is. He is Son of God, a God-being which came to Earth as a person; dtcele.au/news/jesus-christ-the-beginning-and-the-end/16875 dtcele.au/news/the-true-meaning-of-christmas/70178 Before His 2nd coming, all debts must be cancelled. Therefore, I say to China and all who lend money to the United States government cancel all American Debts. Same thing applies to the rest of the world, Debtors must have their debts forgiven or cancelled. Refer here, dtcele.au/downloads/1761332/BiblicalCancellation.pdf People across the globe, people of all languages, pay attention, all Religious Racketeers, Swindlers, Scammers, Tax Evaders, Land Grabbers, Sorcerers, all those who practice divination and all those who do evil using God’s name or Christ’s name must be burned. Not by firing squad, lethal injection, hanging or by electric chair that you should kill them, burn them! Glory, be to God. Come, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. #Burundi #Cambodia #Cameroon #Canada #Cape #Verde #Central #African #Republic #Chad #Chile #China #Colombia #Comoros #Congo #Democratic #Costa #Rica #Cote #Croatia #Cuba #Cyprus #Czech #Denmark #Djibouti #Dominica #Ecuador #East #Timor #Egypt
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 06:58:06 +0000

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