PRESS RELEASE Palmer UNITED has KILLED off higher education - TopicsExpress


PRESS RELEASE Palmer UNITED has KILLED off higher education reforms Palmer United Senator for Queensland and Leader of Palmer United in the Senate, Glenn Lazarus, along with his colleague Senator Dio Wang have used their balance of power in the Senate to kill off the higher education reforms. “I am absolutely delighted to announce to all Australians that Palmer United has used our balance of power in the Senate to kill off the higher education reforms, Senator Glenn Lazarus said. “I consulted with universities and student union groups in Queensland and spoke with stakeholders across Australia and the feedback was unanimous - Australians dont want to pay more for higher education. “The Abbott Government tried to sweeten the deal by offering inducements and other concessions but Palmer United stood firm and did not bulge. “No amount of texting, chocolates and red roses from Christopher Pyne could have changed my mind. The Abbott Governments higher education reforms were bad to the core. “This is a win for all Australians. This is a win for all universities. “As a country, we need to be building our capacity to innovate, create, invent and lead. Educating our people will support our nation to achieve this. “We need to invest in being a smart country. Every Australian needs and deserves access to quality education. As the Leader of Palmer United in the Senate, as a Senator for Queensland and as a father, I am proud to have killed off the Abbott Governments nasty higher education reforms. Australia will sleep better tonight! I will sleep better tonight knowing that I have helped this country to maintain our commitment to higher education. ENDS
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:17:48 +0000

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