PROGRESS IN PREPARTION PAGE18-20, IN THE “SIGNS AND WONDERS” BOOK- “As I continued to read my Bible, I saw that in all ages of the world the Lord raised up his own choosing, men, women, and children- Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Hulda, Anna, Phoebe, Narcissus, Tryphena, Persis, Julia, and the Marys, and the sisters who were coworkers with Paul in the Gospel, whose names are mentioned with praise. The more I investigated, the more I found to condemn me. There was the Master giving one, two, and five talents, and the moral obligation of each person receiving them and their several rewards. I had one talent, which was hidden away… The first meeting that I undertook to hold was in a little town where we had lived some years before, right among my husband’s people. It was a cross for me to talk to those people; but I said, in the name of God, and by His sustaining grace, I will try and leave the results with him. As I rose to speak, this text came to my mind: “Set thy house in order, for thou salt die, and not live.” When I began to talk upon the subject, the man- fearing spirit left me, and the words came to me faster than I could get them utterance. My sister-in-law broke down and left the house. We continued the meeting a few days, and twenty claimed to be converted. People were converted all through the neighborhood. One who came to this meeting afterward became my son-in-law.”
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 12:20:50 +0000

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