PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Cor. 14:3, 31) “Offer God a Bouquet of Praises with Love on the Morning of Your Spiritual Greeting to Him” By Moses Hightower I heard these words in my hearing, I am the light of this world. The darkness must bow in my presence. Not only must the darkness give obeisance to me, it cannot comprehend what I am doing; therefore, you are hidden within the womb of incomprehensibility. Your foes can only look from without the light, for I have drawn a line of demarcation between light and darkness. The power of darkness is helpless in its efforts to attack you. Do not fear the things that are in the darkness, for they cannot harm you. The voices of spiritual ventriloquists speak vain expressions in an effort to frighten you. Let the sound of your praises to me drown out these expressions of terror and compromise. Lift up your voice in thanksgiving in your hour of temptation and the flow of thanksgiving shall become a mighty waterfall that shall drown these voices that seek to terrorize you. Behold the waterfall of thanksgiving that flood the dry places of torment. Behold the God who rides upon the wings of your thanksgiving. I have not stood silently by while the tormentor has attempted to abort your faith. I am one with your faith. Now express it continually, and behold the fruit of your faith arrive on your taste buds of spiritual tasting. Taste and see how good I am. I have not sent a sour taste into your mouth after you opened it and sent praises unto me. I have sent the sweetness of my love and the delightfulness of my faithfulness into your mouth. This expression that I have sent will not return to me empty or void, but it has gone forth in the power of my name and my Spirit. As a bouquet of flowers is given in love, so have I granted you victory on the morning of your spiritual greeting to me. Leap for joy and dance upon the head of sorrow and fear. Clap and run for the conquest of your troubles. I have granted you a great victory in the presence of defeat. My blood has spoken better things than the voice of terror and torment. Perfect love has set fear upon fleeting horses, and now fear is exiled on an island of isolation. Only believe. * PROPHETIC INSIGHT by Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA – Offer God a Bouquet of Praises with Love on the Morning of Your Spiritual Greeting to Him We have been delivered from the power of darkness into the kingdom of his dear Son. God’s kingdom is a kingdom in motion. It is a kingdom of light and life. Darkness is never spoken of as a kingdom because there can only be one King and kingdom. In the Lord’s Prayer, it is interesting that there are few requests that are made. Why? Because we know that the Father knows what we need before we ask. Our example of prayer is begun and ended with his kingdom as the focus. We begin with the joy of realizing that Jesus is our Father in heaven and his name is the authority that supersedes everything else in the universe. We begin with praise and end with praise. Thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven is a marvelous statement. Come is an action verb in the Greek that is an eternal and continuous action. We have every promise in action at all times. In heaven, there is no devil, fear, doubt, attackers, or resistance! If it could not be that way on earth, then why would he have us to pray in that manner? The answer is obvious. In the yes and amen that is in Jesus Christ to every promise. Next we see four things. Daily bread is today’s marching orders of the kingdom. Forgiveness and forgiving others is the liberty of the kingdom. Lead us not into temptation is our yielding to the joy and righteousness of the kingdom that is not meat and drink. Deliver us from evil: accepting the help and power of the kingdom. Why will it happen and nothing shuts it up? It is his kingdom, power, and glory in eternal movement! We will rejoice and be glad in the kingdom that is in us that crushes the head of the serpent as Adam should have in the Garden of Eden to begin with. The second man Adam, the Lord from heaven did it for us!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:56:10 +0000

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