PUBLIC SECRET from heaven i have received a message A message - TopicsExpress


PUBLIC SECRET from heaven i have received a message A message that carries a secret A secret that only nobody is entitled to know not Not in the custody of my mind Should i imprison this secret Neither behind the locked doors of my room Should it be kept hostage Nor should it be hidden in the darkest corners For in such arenas nobody dwells Hence before you i bring a secret So that only nobody remains in the dark about this secret To this lime light with a secret i dash With nothing i cover this secret With the caltaputic strength of these speakers Beyond nobodys reach i throw this secret Of this secret on this podium with words a picture i paint A picture that speaks the language of the deaf So that even the blind can see To all i bring a secret so that only nobody cannot see Even to the strangest of places with this poem i will travel The tallest of mountains i fear not a climb Nor are the slippest valleys a fascination to descend Wide rivers are no longer a barrier to this outreach Because for everybody i bring a secret To you i bring a secret A secret that Abraham lived by A secret that to the masses the prophets revealed A secret that Jesus upheld A secret that between the pages of a bible they hid Today, to you the coded path to heaven i reveal So that only nobody shall be left behind
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:02:23 +0000

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