*** PURELY THEORETICAL DISCUSSION AND BECAUSE I LOVE DEBATING RULES *** Ok, I just played a Code 13 games, me as Enforcers versus Marauders. Ive used it the Enforcer Captain a grand total of once in a standaed sized game, and quickly concluded that hes far too expensive for what he brings to a 70 pts game. Many other people are hatin on the poor Captain, but I, ever the optimist, have assured myself that he wouls be kickass in a Code 13 game. Tonight I tried him out, and concluded the very same thing as I did after the 70 point game. Hes very good at commanding and blazing away, above average at shooting and fighting, survivable as all hell, and brings a nice number of activations and cards. However, he REALLY suffers from role confusion. If you blaze away with him; youre not using his frankly amazing command stat, and vice versa. My friend I played with tonight pointed out how nice it would be if command actions were a short action. Itd mean you wouldnt waste half your Enforcer Captain (or Rebs Commander or 1st Gen), who all suffer from being very good at two diametrically opposed actions. At first I dismissed it because I thought itd be rather powerful. But then I got to thinking... What if there were a special rule, only giving to high ranking commanders (PK Captain, 1st Gen, Rebs Commander, Marauder Commando Captain, Asterian Commander, and FF Huscarl in FG armor), and not to sergeants and the like, that allowed command to be a short action? You coukd even make it cost something - what if you could trade one level of success for making the command action a short action. Something like that. As it stands now I think many of us can agree the PK Capn is too expensive, the Rebs Commander is rather underpowered being decent at most things, good at none, and that including the 1st Gen is a large consideration and down to playstyle. Thoughts? Im *NOT* saying we need to implement a new rule at this stage, far from it. I just like debating theoretically with my fellow DZ fanatics :-)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 22:23:50 +0000

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