Page 19 of EIR Executive Summary. Table of comparisons of - TopicsExpress


Page 19 of EIR Executive Summary. Table of comparisons of Alternative Project Impacts [i.e. No Project] to Project Impact, South Pit Only and North Pit Only states: There would be less relative change in aesthetic impact should South Pit Only be the Next Best Project option to No Project, (which is what this EIR is considering). (They play the lesser of two evils game here as well. Same method. Never accept the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil, and evil mounts up. And ups mounts. :( ) Assuming the base datum to which these measurements of relative changes are being taken is the present environmental level, Im afraid that De Novo Planning Group have just made a blooper!! Their table contains a logical fallacy. A sheer, total, impossibility!! How can blasting a quarry possibly hale less relative change in impact to aesthetics than the relative change to present levels which is clearly ZERO?? Even if the monstrosity were completely hidden, as I assume from the table, North Pit Only option is, it would still only have equal relative change in impact, i.e. zero. Changing a field cant have less relative change in impact than leaving it the same as it is now. Because this is in the Executive Summary, I would say it brings the whole EIR into question, without going any further and De Novos Executive (Power) capabilities of producing such documents for County use in State and Federal Affairs should be brought into question under the circumstances of such incompetence and reckless endangerment of The Environment. (Something to do with Forestry Commission land as well, yeah??) I would therefore move for a new Notice of Preparation to be produced. That sets them back two months and buys us time, at least. This how we tried to do it in The High Court over here, but yeah, youre right, they steam-rolled that objection, but it might stand stronger over there considering County-State-Federal system. Id give it a go. At least itll show them youre not swallowing their lies or incorrect Executive Information and that youre preparing to fight. I am reading that table right, arent I?? I could always be wrong. :D Comments please...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:56:53 +0000

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