Panic -Claire Weekes, Hope and Help for Your Nerves When I - TopicsExpress


Panic -Claire Weekes, Hope and Help for Your Nerves When I review the difficulties of recovery, I would say that the most alarming of them all is the way panic can flash so intensely, so quickly and unexpectedly--weeks, months, even years--after a person thinks he has completely recovered. This unexpected return of panic causes more concern than any other aspect of nervous illness; it shocks, it frightens, and it reminds--that is why it is so shocking. It reminds of so much one would rather forget forever, of so much one thought one had forgotten. And the fear that is immediately added, together with the physical disturbance caused by the flash of panic, re sensitizes slightly and brings back some of the old, almost forgotten sensations of nervous illness, so that the unwary sufferer is often bluffed into thinking it has returned, or that it will return if he doesnt watch out. Almost invariably, he makes the old mistake of capitulating before the feeling and trying to run away from it, watching over his shoulder for fear it comes again. One woman who had a return of panic while shopping immediately dashed back home and then avoided that particular shop for weeks. She made the mistake of retreating from fear in fear once more. Never do this. Never let the unexpected return of panic, whenever it may strike--even if it comes years after you think it has gone forever--never let it shock you into running away from it. Halt. Go slowly. See the panic through and then quietly go on with what you are doing. Let the panic come again and again if it should.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:00:24 +0000

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