Para la innumerable cantidad de ilusos. EEUU admite que maneja a - TopicsExpress


Para la innumerable cantidad de ilusos. EEUU admite que maneja a periodistas de Clarin PARA DEFENDER SUS INTERESES EN EL EXTRANJERO LAS CONSTANTES INSISTENCIAS DE CLARIN Y LA LA NACION PARA QUE EL FMI AYUDE A LA ARGENTINA EN MATERIA ECONÓMICA DEJA AL DESCUBIERTO LOS INTERESES QUE SE MANEJAN 07BUENOSAIRES2345, ARGENTINE FUROR CONTINUES OVER U.S. ALLEGATIONS Fuente: Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin 07BUENOSAIRES2345 2007-12-14 19:07 2010-11-30 16:04 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Buenos Aires VZCZCXYZ0002 OO RUEHWEB DE RUEHBU #2345/01 3481907 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 141907Z DEC 07 FM AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRES TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 9909 INFO RUCNMER/MERCOSUR COLLECTIVE RUEHCV/AMEMBASSY CARACAS 1623 RHMFISS/DEPT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON DC RHMCSUU/FBI WASHINGTON DC RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC C O N F I D E N T I A L BUENOS AIRES 002345 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/14/2017 TAGS: PREL SNAR CJAN ECON ASEC KJUS VE AR SUBJECT: ARGENTINE FUROR CONTINUES OVER U.S. ALLEGATIONS THAT VENEZUELAN MONEY WAS INTENDED FOR CRISTINA KIRCHNER REF: (A) BUENOS AIRES 2336 (B) MCWHIRTER 12/14/07 E-MAIL TO DS COMMAND CENTER Classified By: Ambassador Wayne for reasons 1.4 (b) & (d). Summary ------- ¶1. (C) The GOA has repeatedly suspended Ministerial-level contacts and has cut off some law enforcement contacts with the USG in wake of the continuing furor (ref a) over DOJ allegations that $800,000 intercepted August 4 by Argentine officials was a BRV cash contribution for Cristina Kirchners (CFK) presidential campaign. The press reports that the GOA is considering further responses, including the staging of a massive protest in front of the Embassy which could involve radical and sometimes violent groups. The Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister advised the Ambassador that he would be called in to the MFA on December 18. The Ambassador used a previously scheduled holiday reception for more than 100 journalists to roll out Washington-cleared guidance reinforcing the message that the recent arrests in Miami do not constitute a U.S. conspiracy against the GOA and that the United States wants a good relationship with Argentina. End Summary. GOA Ire Against USG Dominates Headlines --------------------------------------- ¶2. (SBU) Argentine media on December 14 continued to give extensive coverage to the GOAs furious reaction (ref a) to FBI allegations that $800,000 intercepted August 4 by Argentine officials was a BRV cash contribution for Cristina Kirchners (CFK) presidential campaign. According to several sources, CFK was very angry and upset, interpreting U.S. arrests and charges as rejection of her overtures for better relations, an attempt to destabilize her new administration, and an effort to force her to distance Argentina from Venezuela. Following the lead of President Kirchner, her chief of staff and Justice Minister -- whose remarks (ref a) were broadcast and re-broadcast throughout the day and night -- a broad array of CFKs congressional, gubernatorial, and mayoral allies have accused the USG of slandering CFK and the GOA in premeditated fashion in its effort to get Chavez. ¶3. (SBU) Opposition leader and presidential candidate Elisa Carrio, who finished the October 28 polling in second place, ridiculed the GOAs attempt to portray the arrests as part of an anti-CFK conspiracy. President Kirchner does not seem to understand that the justice system in the U.S. is autonomous. Thank God, (CFK) cannot stop the U.S. justice system. I am happy that the Americans are investigating, because theyre the best guarantee (of an impartial inestigation). Not even the U.S. president can intervene. Leaders of other opposition parties questioned CFKs ties to Caracas and criticized the GOA for having let Antonini-Wilson leave the country before completing its own investigation. GOA Gives the USG the Silent Treatment -------------------------------------- ¶4. (SBU) The press is further reporting that cabinet ministers have been instructed not to meet with the Ambassador, and that all U.S. requests for high-level meetings with GOA officials must be coordinated through the MFA. We are also hearing from our law enforcement contacts that they are being instructed by the GOA leadership to minimize contacts with us. Several bilateral meetings were cancelled under instruction on December 13. The Airport Security Police told Embassy they had been instructed not to meet with U.S. officials. On the afternoon of December 14, the GOA ended more than 24 hours of shunning contacts with the Embassy when Deputy Foreign Minister Garcia Moritan called the Ambassador. He advised the Ambassador that he should come to the MFA to meet Foreign Minister Taiana on the evening of December 18. We anticipate this will entail a protest and an explanation of the steps the GOA plans to undertake. GOA-Organized Anti-USG Protest in the Offing? --------------------------------------------- ¶5. (SBU) La Nacion, the newspaper of record, and other media have reported that CFK and her top advisers repeatedly huddled Wednesday night and Thursday morning on how to deal with the worst moment of the bilateral relationship with the United States in the last four and a half years. According to La Nacion, the Casa Rosada (presidential palace) Thursday considered ordering mayors, social organizations, and activists (piqueteros to organize a mass demonstration of protest in front of the U.S. embassy. The article quotes an unnamed official at Casa Rosada who said, We have not ruled it out. There is a great deal of anger with the United States, but it has not yet been decided. (Mission ARSO sent a report on this development and Mission counter-measures to DS Command Center -- ref b.) ¶6. (SBU) The press reported remarks by WHA A/S Shannon that the case was a law enforcement matter, not a political issue, and that it should not be allowed to affect bilateral relations. The press also quoted Department spokesman McCormack on the strength of the bilateral relationship and the independence of federal prosecutors, as well as similar statements by the Embassys spokesperson. The Empire Strikes Back: Mission PD Response --------------------------------------------- ¶7. (U) The Ambassador used a previously scheduled holiday reception for more than 100 print, radio, and TV journalists December 14 to roll out Washington-cleared guidance on the case. Several of the radio journalists used their cell phones to transmit the Ambassadors words on the air through their stations, and many rushed out after the Ambassador concluded to call in stories. Several stories reporting on the Ambassadors reception remarks have already hit the wires. We expect that the Ambassadors remarks will dominate Argentine headlines Saturday. ¶8. (U) We also gave the journalists recent quotes by Assistant Secretary Shannon, Secretary Chao, Dana Perino, and the Ambassador on the U.S.-Argentine relationship. We are posting the Ambassadors remarks on the Missions web page. Comment ------- ¶9. (C) What began as a black day for the U.S. image in Argentina -- with headlines filled with attacks by CFK and others about our supposedly dark intentions -- is ending on a more hopeful note, as the quick work by State, Justice, and the FBI to review and clear our draft guidance on the issue enabled us to get our story out to a captive group of Argentine journalists. As the first week of the CFK administration draws to a close, we have given pragmatists within the GOA material to work with in their effort to convince CFK to climb back from the precipice and re-engage with the USG as she begins the second week of her presidential term. We will see their reaction and response in the days ahead. WAYNE BUENOS AIRES.- Documentos reservados del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos publicados por WikiLeaks, revelaron que la Embajada de ese país en la Argentina manejaba un grupo cautivo de periodistas argentinos. Según lo publicado ayer por el diario Tiempo Argentino, el cable confidencial 2345, del 14 de diciembre de 2007, remitido por el entonces embajador Earl Wayne al Departamento de Justicia, al FBI y al Consejo Nacional de Seguridad, en Washington, refleja el interés de Washington por bajarle el tono a la disputa entre ambos países producto del affaire del venezolano Antonini Wilson, explicando que en los Estados Unidos la justicia es independiente del poder político. Ese era el eje a imponer. La nota firmada por el director del diario, Roberto Caballero, consigna que el apartado enviado por Wayne sostiene que lo que comenzó con un día negro para la imagen de los EE.UU. en Argentina con titulares llenos de ataques de CFK y otros acerca de nuestras supuestas oscuras intenciones- se termina de modo más optimista, ya que el trabajo de los departamentos de Estado, de Justicia y el FBI para revisar y aprobar nuestro proyecto de orientación sobre el tema nos permitió llevar nuestra historia a un grupo cautivo de periodistas argentinos. En su nota, Caballero vincula los dichos del entonces embajador norteamericano con la nota publicada por el matutino La Nación, que el 13 de diciembre de 2007 tituló: Según el FBI, la valija de Antonini era para la campaña de Cristina Kirchner, pese a que en la acusación formal presentada por el FBI ante una corte de Miami, no figuraba el nombre de la Presidenta. Y hace constar que ante la intervención de la Embajada, Waine logró su cometido a medias, ya que el sábado 15, La Nación tituló: EE.UU. se despega del caso Antonini y en su bajada reflejó: El embajador Waine aclaró que Washington no tiene que ver con la investigación; defendió la independencia judicial. Lo más llamativo -escribe Caballero-, lo que seguramente no saldrá publicado en otro diario que no sea Tiempo Argentino, es que ahora se sabe que la Embajada de los EE.UU. tiene un grupo de periodistas cautivos, que actúa en sociedad con ella para resolver sus problemas diplomáticos. Sería bueno conocer sus nombres. ¿Habrá que esperar una próxima entrega de WikiLeaks? La nota publicada por Tiempo Argentino menciona como otra muestra de la manipulación de la prensa hegemónica el cable confidencial 1311, remitido desde Buenos Aires al Departamento de Comercio de los Estados Unidos fechado el 31 de diciembre de 2009, en el que la actual embajadora Vilma Martínez eleva una síntesis del incidente generado entre ambos gobiernos por las declaraciones del secretario de Asuntos Latinoamericanos, Arturo Valenzuela, ante una docena de periodistas locales, el 16 de diciembre. Según lo publicado, en esa oportunidad, Martínez escribió que a pesar de la amplia gama de temas abordados por Valenzuela (en esa reunión), los medios de comunicación argentinos se concentraron exclusivamente en su observación sobre la preocupación de la comunidad empresarial estadounidense por la inseguridad jurídica y la gestión económica local. Y continúa que la embajadora, sorprendida relató: Como ejemplo de la naturaleza sensacionalista de gran parte del periodismo, el diario La Nación tituló el 17 de diciembre Crecen los cruces con EE UU por la advertencia de inseguridad jurídica en el país? y el 18 de diciembre Protesta ante Estados Unidos por las críticas del enviado de Obama. Hay un dato que se le escapó a Martínez, señala el periodista y agrega que el domingo 16, Joaquín Morales Solá publicó su habitual columna dominical, bajo el siguiente título: El peor momento en décadas de la relación con Washington. fuente: lacapitalmdp/noticias/El-Pais/2010/12/03/165714.htm novanacional/nota.asp?n=2010_12_3&id=21391&id_tiponota=4
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:11:32 +0000

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