Parents, teachers, and guardians can begin taking steps to protect - TopicsExpress


Parents, teachers, and guardians can begin taking steps to protect children online by creating an open environment where they feel comfortable reporting abuses over the Internet. Here are some tips: •Be aware of what social networks your kids and teens use and how much information they share. They should never share addresses, birthdays, schools, and last names with strangers; •Teach your kids how to conduct searches safely, by using specific and narrow search terms on commonly-used search engines to prevent unwanted and malicious results; •Install filters and firewalls to manage what sites your kids can access; •Set strong passwords that are different on every site; and •Remind your children not to say anything online about someone else that they would not want them to said about them
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 19:25:13 +0000

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