#Parkinsons great story i found---author unknown Tony - TopicsExpress


#Parkinsons great story i found---author unknown Tony BoubonisParkinsons awareness world wide 1 hr · Letter to My Family and Friends about Parkinsons I have Parkinsons Disease. It is not contagious or hereditary. No one knows what causes it, but some of the dopamine cells in the brain begin to die at an accelerated rate. Everyone slowly loses some dopamine cells as they grow older. If the cells suddenly begin to die at a faster rate, Parkinsons Disease develops. It is a slowly progressive disease usually occurring as people get older. Medicine can help. Ill take newer, stronger kinds over the years. Some make me sick and take lots of adjustments. Stick with me. I have good days and bad days. Emotions: Sometimes I cry and appear to be upset and you think you have done something to hurt my feelings. Probably not. It is the Parkinsons. Keep talking to me. Ignore the tears. Ill be OK in a few minutes. Tremors: You are expecting me to shake. Maybe I do, maybe I dont. Medicine today takes care of the tremors. If my hands, feet, or head are shaky, ignore it. Ill sit on my hands or put them in my pockets. Treat me as you always have. Whats a little shakiness between friends? My Face: You think you dont entertain me anymore because Im not grinning or laughing. If I appear to stare at you, or have a wooden expression, thats the Parkinsons, I hear you. I have the same intelligence; it just isnt easy to show facial expressions. If swallowing, I may drool. This bothers me, so I will mop it up. Stiffness: We are ready to go somewhere and I get up. I can hardly move. Maybe my medicine is wearing off. The stiffness or rigidity is part of Parkinsons. Let me take my time. Keep talking. Exercise: I need to walk each day. Two to three miles is good. Walk with me. Company makes walking fun. It may be a slow walk, but Ill get there. Remind me if I slump or stoop. I dont always know Im doing this. My stretching, bending and exercises must be done everyday. Help me with them if you can. My Voice: As my deeper tones disappear, youll notice my voice is getting higher and wispy. Thats the Parkinsons I know you can talk louder, faster and finish my sentences for me. I dont care for that. Let me talk, get my thoughts together and speak for myself. Im still there. My minds okay. Since Im slower in movement, my thoughts are slower too. I want to be part of the conversation. Let me speak. Sleeplessness: I may complain that I cant sleep. If I wander around in the middle of the night, thats Parkinsons. It has nothing to do with what I ate or how early I went to bed. I may nap during the day. Let me sleep when I can. I cant always control when Im tired or feel like sleeping. Be patient, my friends. I need you. Im the same person; Ive just slowed down. Its not easy to talk about Parkinsons, but Ill try if you really want to know. I need my friends. I want to continue to be part of life. Please remain my friend. from A PD group, around 3 months ago, Author Unknown
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 05:15:16 +0000

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