Parliament, the REAL benefit street shared The Naked Truth: - TopicsExpress


Parliament, the REAL benefit street shared The Naked Truth: Cameron:Is he the worst prime minister in British history.s status. 18 hours ago Makes my blood boil !!! So i received a full break down of Maria Millers expenses today under the freedom of information act and to put it bluntly it stinks from top to bottom of profiteering, fraud and sickening greed !! She spent tax payers money like it was tap water, she flipped her homes to benefit her getting more money and took out massive loans that the tax payer shelled out more money yet again, she lied in claiming a small rented cottage was her main home when her neighbors said she was most certainly never there, all so you guessed it !! the tax payer picked up the massive bill on her five bedroom mansion in which she took out more massive loans that you guessed it the tax payer covered all the interest payments. She did not defraud the public purse by 45,000 she defrauded it by hundreds of thousands but the enquiry was to gutless to call it what it was !! A massive con and fraud and just took her word on things she was clearly lying about, When you see the break down ( Which i will post during the week ) it is truly sickening to see the greed of this already wealthy woman !! She played the tax payer for every penny she could rinse from them and then calmly walked away with 1.2 million pounds and never gave a penny back. The hardened Tories are crying out Witch hunt which you have to laugh at when that bunch of scoundrels are The witch finder Generals who for the past 4 years have been throwing the unemployed and disabled into the rivers to see if they float and if they do they are scroungers and if they drown they are still bloody scroungers !! Iain Duncan Smith wants to confiscate the houses of anyone caught defrauding the benefit system !! What a shame they we can not confiscate all the houses from the likes of that useless lump Miller, i just hope that she will help the push to get Cameron and his bunch of red neck thieves out in 2015.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:27:13 +0000

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