Part 2. All People Make Judgments DID JESUS JUDGE - TopicsExpress


Part 2. All People Make Judgments DID JESUS JUDGE PEOPLE? The sad fact is, most people who get angry with Christians and claim they are judgmental, only do so because they are living in wicked sin. When this sin is brought up, they are convicted and feel bad about themselves. But rather than change, they want to cling to their sins, and so they become angry. Most people of this world who are unsaved HATE Jesus. Oh sure, they have no problem with the Jesus who says “Love thy enemy.” They love that part of Jesus. They have no problem with the Jesus who healed the sick. They have no problem with the Jesus who fed the multitude. They have no problem with the innocent little baby Jesus in a manger. In fact, most don’t even have a problem with Jesus dying on a cross. Do you want to know the reason people hate Jesus? Here’s why: “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil.” John 7:7 People hate the Jesus that testifies that their sins are wicked. Any Christian who points out their sin is also quickly labeled as a bigot, a hater, judgmental, etc. Pointing out a wicked sin to an unsaved person is like pouring salt in an infected wound. You’re trying to heal, but all they do is scream and get upset. Conclusion: All People Make Judgments, Not Just Christians. We Hate Sin, but Not Sinners In conclusion, Christians hate sin, not sinners. We are told to love our enemies. At the same time, we are told to stay away from sinful behavior, to stay on the narrow path, and to keep God’s laws in our hearts and minds. Thus, because we strive to do this, we must constantly judge ourselves and others’ behavior. We must correct sin in ourselves, and help instruct others of sins they may be doing. let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. James 5:20 This often gives Christians a label as if we are judgmental. Of course we all judge to some degree. Who doesn’t? I have yet to meet one human being of any religion that isn’t judgmental about something or someone. And the Bible actually commands us to judge many things and even people (just not hypocritically). Discerning things is a part of the human experience. We all think and reason, and because of this, we all make judgments daily, hourly, sometimes by the minute. The important thing is not whether or not Christians are judgmental, but whether or not you have judged yourself. You’re going to meet Jesus one day whether you like it not. You can meet him as loving savior, or as the judge of wickedness. That’s your choice. Right now you can receive forgiveness for every sin you’ve ever committed by repenting and trusting Jesus Christ as your savior. Will you do that today? Will you place your faith in the risen Christ, and have eternal life?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:06:46 +0000

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