Part 2...And why the hell are you walking with only one shoe on - TopicsExpress


Part 2...And why the hell are you walking with only one shoe on your left leg?, asked his excellency president. Mr. President, the history of this community is dated back to 14th century. The taboos, customary laws and legendary practices were the commandments of Abaiibabo*-a ruler. The community had and still have rich and diversed cultural practices. The political structures of this community established in the 1450s was an epitome of good democracy that even colonial master, Britain, decided to copy paste in thier system of governors. I do not know the history of British but over the time I have realised we have something in common. The name Borana and the British begans with common letter, B. Pwawawawawa, laughed Mr. President sarcastically, in disapproval manner. Not wanting to distract me and seemed amused by this revelations, Mr. President nodded his head. However, the history are as good as you listened to. Every community have pride in thier origin. Just like your community Mr. President, whose origin was nine daughters from mt. Kenya forest tilling the fertile soils the mountains and gathering wild fruits, mu grandfathers was and is exactly what your are seeing today. My grandfather used to sleep on animal skin when your grandfather used to sleep on bareground or some batches of big leaves of mahogany trees. My grandfather used to drink sweeeeeeeeeet milk from his herds of cattle when your grandfather chase antelope the whole day. Those are the tips of an iceberg. So many things in common and the same status cuo Mr. President. Now life has changed, some for better and others for worst depending on who were colonised by the British. Off course, they couldnt colonise my grandfathersbecause they were knowledgeable. My grandfather was that bright students in a class of fourty.He knew only mathematics. Other students, could copy from him but he did not because he was a Balchaa* (a good person who is honest and not hybrid of inferior being). He ended up passing one subject in life and failed terribly in eleven other important units. Your father copied mathematics from my grandfather. He copied agriculture from Ochieng and Mutua and gymnastic from Kipchonge. And because he was an entrepreneur, he never allowed his classmates touch his entrepreneur book. His entreprenuer assignments were done on top of mt. Kenya, Lenana peak. He hides under ragged and dirty over-sized short covering his but*. My grand and Mr. Mutua were warm-blooded adapted only to arid and semi arid areas. They did not dare climbed mt. Kenya. They never copied the entrepreneur skills. Mr. Mutua was sculpture. He makes good chairs from Baobab trees but did not have the skills to benefit himself. So Mwangi could easily trick him to have one under his buttom. Achieng and Ochieng!! These people were funny!! They were fish wanting to swim in the sand. Impossible!! Show them and they could run to nowhere. Achieng, look where my finger is pointing (pointing to fat cloud above), is a fatty layers from sheep. The next day, you find them setting up Babylon in attempt to reach the fatty layers. They want to experiment and follow the instructions to the latter. Tell them about the books. They will read to complete. Whisper to them about food, they will salivate. They like trying impossibility. Look, what do you think of Railas habitual failures in elections? ....and what of Mr. Dida? But the good thing with them is that they feed on their sweat unlike Kenyatta. Remember, Tom Moya fought and who ate his sweat?.. (Silence) Stop frowning your face. All these are stereotypes. History. You are here, in my village, Madoadi village. Dont you know what village is, Mr. President? ?...No, I do not know Mr. Halake, my agemate. I heard of the village, deplorable conditions conducing to malnourishment. I came here like a thief mentioned in the bible as messiah. But I am not messieh. I want to learn, to feel and to lead. To lead the filthy rich like my families, middle society like Railas families and the poor like like like.... Like my family you mean, Mr. President?(Silence again) Not like your family, I mean the poor family in streets and villages, grunt Mr. President. ....He lead this society of three different classes, need wisdom and witty advisors. To merge them and to find common denumenator of development. Remember you told me, you grandfathes were British - like in terms of democracy, that is why I was sleeping on dry animal skin to appease your ancestors. Waaaaa! I sighed, digested every bit of his words and aphorisms, calculating my words in the same measures, I injected my caution. Mr. President I began, We are not agemates. You are Wakhoor Dida( ageset of my eldest brother) and I am Wakhor Sora (age group that actually climaxed two years ago). Mr. President remember I told you that your grandfather father never wanted other people ( Akina Mutua, Ochieng and Boru) to learn from him entrepreneur skills. So, you scratch my back as I scratch yours. I tell you about my village and skills to survive and development them and you will tell me about state house where you were born, bred and married. He agreed. The journey has just started. Two ways to learn. To learn from the rich and from the poor and finally to merge. Mr. President and Halake agreed to meet and start tomorrow.....(Setting, is Ola Dabasa- Dabasa village..) stay tuned.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:40:19 +0000

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