Part of the purpose of this site is to educate and inform. So I - TopicsExpress


Part of the purpose of this site is to educate and inform. So I feel it is important to let other parents know what they can expect should they have the courage to come forward and report hazing abuse of their child. The response you will get from a school district that does not tolerate and condone hazing and therefore has the best interest of the children entrusted to their care and supervision at heart: - You will get an immediate response, they will jump into action and investigate into your report(s) of hazing. More than likely your police department will become involved, because after all teachers and education professionals are mandated reporters of such abuse. The response you will get from a school district that has tolerated and condoned hazing and especially one that has done so for a prolonged period of time and therefore does not have the best interest of the children entrusted to their care and supervision at heart: - They will deny, deny, deny. -They will fault you or the child for anything you say or do in connection with reporting it. They will attempt to manipulate and dissuade you in an effort to sweep the whole thing under the rug. I cannot emphasize enough how damaging such a response is to the victim and their family who are making the report. Such a response is completely unprofessional and inappropriate. - If and when you go to your police department, because you are getting an inappropriate response from your school officials, you need to be prepared that you may find little help there, too. They may employ the same tactics as the school, where rather than doing their job and taking a report, they attempt to dissuade and manipulate you into just going away. If you can convince them to take the report, you may find that it only exists for show and that they have no intention of investigating at all, closing the file the minute you make a report, or two or three different reports about different batteries your child has faced. Again, this is extremely damaging to the victim and their family. - They will circle the wagons and attempt to cover up the abuse that they have tolerated and condoned and which bred a hostile environment in which your child was forced to exist on a daily basis. - Then, if and when you have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that significant acts of hazing had occurred, that the health and safety of children had been in jeopardy, they will attack you personally, because you havent gone away and they have no other defense left. They will shift the focus away from the real problem, the hazing abuse of kids and make you the problem. Dont give that any energy, because that is exactly what they want it to do. Your energy, your strength is what will carry you through some of the roughest days, months and years of your life. At the end of the day, they may succeed, they may be able to find some loophole defense for their deliberate indifference and deliberate negligence to a known threat, but at the end of the day YOU will be able to say you did your best for you child and others, because hazing never affects only one young person. These are, of course, just my opinions. - Karla Hunt for Make Hazing Stop
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:27:51 +0000

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