Past and Future of Vaccines posted by Michael Thomas August 2, - TopicsExpress


Past and Future of Vaccines posted by Michael Thomas August 2, 2013 Past and Future of Vaccines - Exposing The TruthAlmost everyone reading this text has been vaccinated or has firm beliefs in regard to vaccines, which means talking about some aspects of this issue may induce dissonance in some. This adverse reaction to the information in this text does not have any effect on its level of truth (or veracity). That said, I am actually not against vaccines per se, and I think new proteolipid techniques –explained later in the text- and knowledge about immune and epigenetic responses can lead to responsible and safe vaccines against infections, or pathogens, which we don’t want to run into with a compromised immune system. Traditionally, pathogens have been put into the vaccines in a “dead,” but full, form. The immune system was “awakened” to react with adjuvants like mercury or aluminum, which –especially in instances where multiple shots are given on a single day or short time period- may lead to potentially neurotoxic effects (both aluminum (Al) and mercury (Hg) are neurotoxic). All vaccines rely on generating a general or innate immune reaction which, in addition to responding to the adjuvants –which are what is generating the innate immune reaction – will react to the target pathogen and create “memory” T-cells (lymphocytes; white blood cells). These memory cells are activated and pushed into heightened production should the antigen –the “target” based on its surface proteins- be detected again by antibodies. Since the bodies of very young children don’t directly create “memory cells” for every new pathogen, sometimes multiple close doses are used to grant lasting immunity, and this is where the major problems come into play. A 2012 metastudy from a Polish university lab in the city of Bialystok compiled a list of scientifically grounded risks associated with vaccines. The most important findings reported were that: The use of multiple inoculations in a relatively short timeframe can overcome genetic resistance to autoimmunity. Current adjuvants “have the capacity to provoke a variety of adverse reactions” Repeated vaccination is correlated positively with atopic (allergic) reactions. Too many vaccinations potentially disrupt normal immune reactions and capacity Normal contact with the outside world provides the best protection, with the fewest risks, especially against the flu. Of course, many of these problems may be entirely specific to the form of vaccines we are currently using, and their toxic adjuvants. The Polish study indicates these problems may have to do with the levels of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes (white blood cells). These levels get pushed out of whack by the adjuvents, or by multiple vaccinations in a short time, which is likely a cause of many allergies. It is also important to note that many problems, for instance Guillain Barre Syndrom, are actually the result of allergic, or autoimmune, reactions. It is also possible that activating an innate immune reaction through non-specific, neurotoxic, metals is in many ways especially counter-productive, and damages or reduces overall immune stability in exchange for acquired resistance to a specific pathogen. Fortunately, new advances offer us an improved way to make vaccines. We no longer have to use toxic adjuvants: we can replicate the surface proteins of pathogens which already “turn on” your immune system. These proteolipid vaccines allow us to actually remove the pathogens from the vaccine, instead just putting their surface proteins on a membrane: conditioning your body into preparing itself for a real attacker by using a puppet version without any of the real danger. This means there would be no viral DNA which could accidently infect the injectee, no “dead” bacteria, nor would we even have to be putting aluminum or mercury into our children’s blood. Instead of partaking in something which can potentially cause at least as much harm as good, we can create lasting biological protection for specific threats without putting anyone’s health or wellbeing in jeopardy. Proteolipids seem to present a viable, effective, and safe way of creating vaccines for the future. But a safe use of vaccines, based on what we now know, would require us to rethink how we vaccinate our children. It would mean children could no longer be vaccinated against so many infections at once, it would mean that we have to strategically pick what pathogens we want to protect ourselves from, or risk leaving ourselves in a weakened state when trying to fend off unexpected threats. Most of the issues are not black and white. Vaccines are not “bad” in the same way that GMOs are not “bad”. The consequences which arise from anything are a direct result of what is being done, how it is being done, and how carefully and transparently it is being done. And we should be present of exactly what we are doing before we decide to apply it all over the world.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:13:45 +0000

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