Patriots: Whatever the Media and the cowards tell you the facts - TopicsExpress


Patriots: Whatever the Media and the cowards tell you the facts are Facts. Read the facts and share. If facebook is hiding th share button again click here. https://facebook/video.php?v=394656174049154&pnref=story 1) Obama has an agenda to promote ISLAM. He does not promote Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians, Jews or any other religion like he touts Islam, ISLAM, ISLAM, ISLAM. If he is not Muslim then how the hell does this Creature claim to speak on behalf of this barbaric cult . He is the Manchurian Muslim 2) He lies repeatedly that Islam is a peaceful religion. Really ? On Thursday, January 8, 2015 White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced that the Obama administration would prioritize fighting Islamophobia in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in France. FACTS: 95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim. Here they are: 1. Afghanistan Extreme radical Fundamentalist Muslim terrorist groups & non-Muslim Osama bin Laden heads a terrorist group called Al Quada (The Source) whose headquarters were in Afghanistan. 2. Bosnia Serbian Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholic, Muslims 3. Cote d’Ivoire Muslims, Indigenous, Christians 4. Cyprus Christians & Muslims 5. East Timor Christians & Muslims 6. Indonesia, province of Ambon Christians & Muslims 7. Kashmir Hindus and Muslims 8. Kosovo Serbian Orthodox Christians, Muslims 9. Kurdistan Christians, Muslims Assaults on Christians (Protestant, Chaldean Catholic & Assyrian Orthodox). Bombing campaign underway. 10. Macedonia Macedonian Orthodox Christians & Muslims 11. Middle East Jews, Muslims, &Christians 12. Nigeria Christians, Animists, & Muslims 13. Pakistan Suni & Shi’ite Muslims 14. Philippines Christians & Muslims 15. Russia, Chechnya Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims. The Russian army attacked the breakaway region. Muslims had allegedly blown up buildings in Moscow. Many atrocities have been alleged. 16. Serbia, province of Vojvodina Serbian Orthodox & Roman Catholics 17. Sri Lanka Buddhists & Hindus Tamils Additional conflicts 19. Thailand: Pattani province: Buddists and Muslims 20. Bangladesh: Muslim-Hindu (Bengalis) and Buddists (Chakmas) 21. Tajikistan: intra-Islamic conflict . TELL ME WHO ELSE IS SO BARBARIC ACROSS THE GLOBE ??? OBAMA IS THE FRONT MAN FOR THE CALIPHATE.. THE FIGHT IN THE END WILL BE BETWEEN THE NWO PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST BANKSTERS AND THE ISLAMIST.. WE MUST STOP IT IN AMERICA NOW
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:28:38 +0000

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