Patriots. - TopicsExpress


Patriots. Im RE POSTING THIS AGAIN , AS TO GIVE THOUGHT , AS WE ALL FIGHT THIS TROLL OF A SCHMUCK ,,SORRY I CANT SAY HIS NAME RIGHT NOW ,, HE MAKES ME SICK .. BUT I REFER HIM ,,OR IT AS AN EVIL TROLL SCUM OF THE EARTH ..( THAT IS A FRAUD ,,AND NO PRESIDENT ) , I LIKE THE WAY JODIE SAID THIS ,,AND SO HERE ARE HER WORDS AGAIN . GOD BLESS HER and Americans that love this Country ,,AND WE MUST TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK .IN THE NAME OF JESUS I PRAY >>>>> HERES HER POST SHE WRITES .....> ... .................................>>> Jodie Lee Erlandson Patriots, Obama, He still has the minorities on his side, but it seems even the Democrats are distancing themselves from him. Obama needs to go....his ego and arrogance is costing this country credibility, and the tax payers. The ACA law is a total nightmare and more people are recognizing that. The people have been betrayed by Obama. It is time to look at impeachment proceedings. Obama is working outside of the Unites States Constitution and the law, his cover ups of the Benghazi attacks, and the Fast and Furious scandal would be enough, but there are way more violations that can get him impeached. How did you like his gifting of our money just lately to Pakistan? People, We are cursed with Obama and he is feeding and fueling other countries SECRETLY with our money...not his. We are miserable and have no economy, no jobs and fear the terror he brings into our United States thru his, Obamas Open Borders! Are you ready for CHANGE
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:59:26 +0000

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