Pavitra Rishta 17th August 2013 Written Episode Purvi is getting - TopicsExpress


Pavitra Rishta 17th August 2013 Written Episode Purvi is getting mehendi done in her hand. On a side, Gauri is putting mehendi in Savita’s hand. Manav, Sachu, Soham are making sure all preparations are done. Sachu and Soham share a cute moment with each other. Varsha tells Purvi to always stay happy like this.. and the day is finally here for which they waited for years. She gifts her idol of Ganpati bappa. Soham is looking at the gifts. He says, all gifts are here.. where is my gift? Archu tells him to turn back. He turns back and Purvi has already wear those bangles and she shows him her hands. Soham smiles and feel happy. Ovi is waiting for Onir. He comes and asks why did you call me this late? Ovi says, Arjun found out the truth. And now I am afraid that he might tell everything to Purvi. Onir says, this can’t happen. Ovi says, I know you tried very hard to bring Arjun and Purvi together. Onir says, there is only one option.. I will leave this country. When they won’t find me anywhere.. they will have no choice, but do this marriage. Ovi asks where will you go? Onir says, to Canada.. they offered me some work as well, but you don’t tell anyone about it. Now no one can between Arjun and Purvi, not even me. Arjun comes running to Onir’s house. He says, this is not right for any of us.. it’s very important to tell this to Purvi. Teju is applying lemon juice on Purvi’s mehendi. Purvi’s phone rings. It’s Arjun. Teju picks up and doesn’t let him talk to Purvi. She lies and says, she is not here.. and we are giving you whole Purvi to you tomorrow. Ovi comes to Manav’s house and says, I have decided to stay with you. Everyone is very happy. Archu says, I told Purvi that one day you will come and stay with us.. and that day is here. Ovi goes to see Purvi. Archu asks Manav if he doesn’t find it strange.. Ovi suddenly came to India and living with us. She wonders if Ovi is hiding anything. Manav says, she reacted today as well, but in right direction. He asks, aren’t you happy that she came here? Archu says, I am happy, but.. Manav says, then don’t worry and be happy. Teju and Purvi are happy to see Ovi back as well. Purvi says, I really wanted to see whole family together before leaving. Ovi says, I am very happy to be back as well. Before she says anything, Purvi leaves from there. Soham is trying make Pari sleep. He’s singing a lauri. Teju comes and says, are you singing or scaring her? She then tries to make her sleep. Manav then joins and sings lauri, but she still doesn’t sleep. Archu comes now and she sings it and Pari sleeps. Manav is amazed. He says, I will drop Pari to Purvi’s room, but Archu says, no.. she will stay with us tonight. Tomorrow she will leave with her parents and all 3 will be happy. Savita comes to take Pari with her. She says, if she wakes up in night, then you both won’t be able to calm her down. Archu says, it’s just excuse.. you want to spend last night with her as well, right? Savita says, what to hide from you now.. I am going to miss Pari a lot. Savita leaves with Pari. Purvi says, I got all the happiness because of you and she thanks her. Archu says, no need to thank.. you deserved them so you got them. Phone rings. Archu picks up and it’s Arjun. Arjun asks to give it to Purvi. Archu does and leaves. Arjun tells Purvi that he wants to meet her. Ovi hears Purvi talking to Arjun. Arjun tells I want to tell you something. Purvi says, I know what you want to say.. you want to say that you love me a lot and you’re desperately waiting for me and Pari, right? I want to confess something to you as well. She doesn’t let him say a word. She says, please let me talk today. I don’t know when I will get strength to say all this. She says, today I have realized that I can’t live without you. I love you a lot. I have seen many dreams for our future. We all stay happy our entire life. She asks him to say now. Arjun says, what to say? You said everything. Purvi asks, so can I hang now? Arjun say ye. She hangs. Purvi turns back and finds Ovi there. Ovi asks if he called for any important work. Purvi says, no.. he just called like that. Purvi goes in. Ovi says, thank God Arjun didn’t tell anything to Purvi. Archu hears it and asks, what he didn’t tell her? Ovi says, Arjun came to hotel and he explained to me that I should stay with you all. I didn’t know how Purvi would react finding that out. Archu says, you and Arjun are childhood friends.. she wouldn’t have felt bad. Don’t think too much. Next morning, haldi ceremony is going in both houses. Archu first applies haldi on Purvi, followed by others. Some guests apply haldi on Arjun. Later, Arjun is getting ready and looking in the mirror and recalling what all Onir did and how no one even knows about it. He says, I must tell this to Purvi. Purvi comes to Pari. Archu comes and tells her to get ready. Archu asks Teju to take Pari to other room. Archu then tells Purvi, you have done a lot for this house, now I just want you to think about yourself. Because of me I got my family back and I didn’t do anything. Purvi says, why are you saying that? I got all happiness because of you. Archu gets emotional. She then changes the topic and tells Purvi to get ready. Ovi comes to Arjun with a gift. She congrats him. Arjun asks, despite knowing everything, you came here with a gift? What’s wrong with you? Ovi says, Onir sent this gift for you. Arjun takes it and there is a letter with. He reads the letter which says, you and Purvi should have come together long time ago, but couldn’t because of certain circumstances, but now no one can stop you two from coming together. Onir has gifted him a dupatta. The letter reads, it might just be a small piece of a cloth, but its symbol of happiness that will come in your lives. True wedding is that is based only on love.. where there is no place obligation. Purvi was always yours, is yours, and will always be yours. Your marriage with Ovi took Purvi away from you, but you were still there in her memories. She would have spent her entire life with me, but destiny didn’t want that so it brought you two together.. and who am I to come between what destiny wants. Today Purvi is getting what she deserves, never ever think to take that away from her. You two just stay happy and my well wishes will always be with you. All the best, Onir. Arjun asks Ovi, what he is made of? If he loves Purvi, then.. I don’t understand why another name for love is sacrifice. I will have to talk to him. Ovi says, there is no point.. he won’t pick up. Arjun asks, why? Did you meet Onir? Ovi says, no. Arjun asks, then from where did you get his gift? Ovi says, he sent it through my friend. Arjun says, I will go meet him personally. Ovi says, you won’t find him anywhere. Why are you doing all this? Arjun says, because it’s required. Ovi says, you and Purvi both love each other.. if you really want to do anything for Onir, then get married to Purvi. I know you’re feeling bad to marry after knowing all this.. but please think about Purvi and Pari. You remember what Purvi told you last night, right? Arjun is very confused. Ovi says, you don’t to think so much. You’re getting in few hours and you’re discussing this. Your one wrong decision can spoilt many people’s lives. If there is even little place of me in your life, then please get married. There was a time when I asked Purvi for you, but today I am asking you for happiness of my sister. Finally at the wedding venue, Archu tells Ovi that she wants to talk to her. Manav comes and tells Archu that barrat will be coming anytime. In the mean time, Ovi leaves from there. Archu is discussing Ovi’s matter with Manav, and now Teju comes and says that the barrat is here. Manav tells Archu that he will talk to Ovi after wedding. Teju, Savita welcome Arjun and the barrat. Teju takes money (shagun) and then let them come in. Arjun is in dilemma to enter the mandap or no. His friends say, you scared already? Arjun says, no.. and then he enters the mandap. Purvi is playing with Pari. Ovi comes there and she takes Pari from Purvi. Ovi then gives a gift to Purvi. Teju comes and asks Purvi if she is ready. Teju takes Purvi and leaves. Ovi hopes no stoppage comes in their wedding now. Soham, Sachu bring Purvi to the mandap. The rituals start. Arjun and Purvi exchange the garlands. Everyone is very happy, except Arjun. Ovi is nervous. The priest explains the pheres and promises that they make while doing pheres. read full update with pictures only at desitvboxThe priest asks them to get up for the pheres. Purvi gets up, but Arjun is still sitting down. Archu asks him to get up. Arjun gets up and says, this marriage can’t happen. Everyone is shocked. Archu asks him what are you saying? Arjun says, I know you all have lots of questions right now, but I don’t have any answer to any of the questions. He looks at Purvi and says, I want to talk to Purvi alone and after telling her all the truth, she still wants to get married to me, then I am ready. Manav gets furious and says, what rubbish is this? Before this, with my another daughter, you……. at that time I didn’t say anything, but today, if anything bad happens with Purvi, then I won’t take it. Arjun says, trust me.. I am doing this for Purvi’s good.. Ovi interrupts and says, it’s not good to interfere rituals like this. Arjun says, I know very well why you’re doing this, but whatever’s happening now is wrong. Purvi needs to know the truth. Until I don’t tell her the truth, I won’t marry to her. DK tells him to talk in front of everyone. Arjun says, no.. I don’t want any pressure on Purvi. Arjun is explaing to Manav, but Archu interrupts and allows Arjun to talk with Purvi. She says, but remember.. this is your last chance. Arjun takes Purvi’s hand in his and takes her to a room. Everyone is wondering what’s the matter. Purvi asks Arjun, what did you do? Why did you refuse for the marriage? We suffered so much and finally we are getting together, then why did you do this? In the wedding hall, Archu tells Ovi, you still won’t say anything? Please tell me the truth. I know there is something wrong and you know it. You know what Arjun is telling Purvi inside. Ovi says, I don’t know anything. Archu says, I know something is wrong because the way you were forcing Arjun.. please tell me. Ovi says, please don’t ask me anything. Savita asks Archu why she is forcing when Ovi is saying she doesn’t know anything. Manav interrupts and says, if this is related to Purvi, then we need to know what it is. Archu gives her swear to Ovi and Ovi finally says, it’s related to Onir. Inside the room, Arjun shows Onir’s letter to Purvi. Purvi is shocked. Arjun asks her, now you tell me how could I marry you after knowing all this? Purvi says, I want to meet Onir right now. Arjun says, not only you.. I also want to meet him. In the hall, Archu is broken down and is on her knees. Ovi says, Onir and I both want this. There is no mistake of Arjun and Purvi in what happened. You all please don’t worry.. Arjun just went to tell the truth to Purvi. He is not refusing for the marriage. Arjun and Purvi are in the car. Ovi receives a call from them. Phone is on the speaker and Purvi’s is holding it, while Arjun is driving. Arjun asks, why Onir is not picking up my call? Ovi says, where are you? Please come to mandap with Purvi. Arjun asks, please tell me where Onir is.. I want to meet him. Ovi says, i can’t tell. Purvi now says, Ovi, you want to see me happy right.. please tell me, else I won’t be able to forgive myself. Ovi finally says, he is at the airport.. he is going to Canada forever.. his flight is at 3pm. It’s 2:30 right now. Arjun tells Purvi that they will reach by 3. Ovi tells everyone that Arjun and Purvi went to the airport to meet Onir. Ovi says, we need to stop Onir. Soham is going, but Archu stops him. She says, no one will go anywhere.. Purvi, Onir, and Arjun will decide. Onir is at the airport with Shalini. He thanks her. Onir is tensed as he kept getting calls from Arjun. Shalini suggests him to switch off the phone and to relax. Shalini goes to get tea for him. Arjun and Purvi arrive at the airport. Onir sees them and is shocked. He hides his face, but Purvi recognizes him. Purvi and Onir both look at each other. Onir slowly approaches to her. Episode ends Purvi staring at him. Precap: Arjun and Purvi are doing the pheres. Arjun-Purvi and everyone is happy. Ana xoxo
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 19:17:53 +0000

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