Penang CM angry that Najib met Kelantan MB but not him. ---- The - TopicsExpress


Penang CM angry that Najib met Kelantan MB but not him. ---- The recent meeting between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob has stirred the umbrage of Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng. This is because, the DAP secretary-generals requests to meet Najib since June, have fallen on deaf ears. Lim revealed to the Penang DAP convention today that he has written to Najib asking for a meeting in his capacity as the chief minister but there has been no response. “I don’t understand why he can meet with the Kelantan Mentri Besar, but not with me,” Lim said. “Is it because the prime minister is playing on the race card? If he does not (also agree to meet Lim), then everybody can see with their own eyes that this ‘One Malaysia’ (slogan) is a hoax,” he claimed. “Do not think that because I am Chinese it is easy for me to be oppressed and bullied. I am Malaysian!” he said, to roars from the delegates. On Nov 28, Najib received a courtesy call from Ahmad and a few state executive councillors of the PAS-led Kelantan government at his office in Putrajaya. News of the meeting generated surprise reactions among leaders of Pakatan Rakyat parties, with some speculating that it was a tactic by Najib, who is also Umno president, to set the pace for a ‘muzakarah’ (dialogue) that Umno has been seeking with PAS in order to strike a rift in the Pakatan. Referring to Barisan Nasional (BN) and the media agencies aligned to it that frequently attack Pakatan, Lim called for governance without racial discrimination. Lim also issued a stern warning to disgruntled party members not to air their dirty laundry in public, thereby giving pro-BN media the opportunity to play them up. He said there are channels that can be used internally for party members to raise their grievances. “We criticise only after we have exhausted all party channels,” he said, adding that certain members should not resort to untruths in making allegations. “The BN media are waiting for your lies,” he said. “The most important thing is do not give the BN the ammunition to denigrate the DAP,” he stressed. Lim emphasised the need to strengthen cohesion not just within the party but also among members of the Pakatan coalition. “In organisations, they are bound to be differences,” he said, stressing that internal channels among DAP, PAS and PKR must be employed in dealing with these. On Nov 21, the PAS Youth assembly passed a motion to review its tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation) with its allies in the Pakatan-led Penang government. This came about as certain leaders in Penang PAS had threatened to leave the state government, alleging that it was interfering in the Penang Islamic Religious Council administration by appointing individuals not from PAS as members. However, the very next day, PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang expressed his appreciation to the Penang state government for giving PAS a ‘big’ role in the state although the party had only won one seat in the 13th general election. --- Read more: fz/content/najib-meeting-kelantan-mb-not-penang-cm-raises-ire#ixzz2mEKTEa8L
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:38:56 +0000

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