People I have showed you things that if you took the time to do a - TopicsExpress


People I have showed you things that if you took the time to do a little research for yourself you would have found them to be true. I have tried to explain to you why and how the corporation is doing things that are not for our benefit but for theirs. We have talked about what we can do using the Constitution to stop the corruption and illegal actions that the ones we have elected continue to abuse. It has been brought to your attention that these things have been going on for many years, and whether it was Republicans or Democrats that held the Presidency made no difference. You have heard or seen that the very things this country was built on, the Constitution and God are both being taken away from us. We are being attacked for be patriotic, Christians, for questioning the Corporation on their illegal acts, for flying an American flag outside of our homes, for wanting to stop the flow of illegals entering our country, for protesting the fact that the Corporation wants to keep us in endless wars, and many more things. They have passed laws that they the Corporation can arrest us and hold us indefinitely, without bringing up charges or giving us a trial. They are arming everyone from local police to Federal agencies to act as a military against We the People. They are using Federal agencies to scare us into submission in order to force their agenda on us. In some states it is now against the law to go off grid, grow your own food, catch rain water, own guns, and they want to make it illegal for you to stand your ground. Voter fraud, insurance fraud, walfare fraud, ID fraud has all become the norm in this country. This country has basically become everything our forefathers warned us about and gave us the power to stop it. But for some reason We the People have allowed the Corporation to scare us so bad that the majority of the people are to afraid to even speak up about it. I have people that say they are even to scared to repost or comment on my post because the Corporation might see it. PEOPLE SERIOUSLY, IS THIS THE WAY YOU WANT TO LIVE YOUR LIVES? Is this the way you want your kids and grandkids to live their lives? I know alot of you think Ronald Reagan was a good President, and even he said in a speech once that, we not only have the right to defend ourselves, but we have a duty to, as citizens of this great country. I have said this many times before, and Ill say it again, I have seen 70 some year old people going into the shooting ranges and they could barely even walk in to them. I asked them why are they doing this, and they said that, It did not matter how old they were they would give their lives fighting for this country if that is what it takes. Now how big of cowards have we become if the generations before us feel that they need to once again, even in their older ages, have to step up and defend our country. This sickens me to my soul, they should be sitting back saying to them selves, we do not have nothing to worry about our kids and our grandkids will handle these pieces of shit. What has happened to us people, why would you sit back and let them destroy everything you know and love? I know what you are thinking, you think if I do not go to work everyday I will lose my house, my cars, my boat, everything I have worked so hard to get. Well if you do not make a stand you are going to lose all of those things anyway, except you might lose all of your loved ones too. Every thing you have can be replaced, every piece of furniture, toy, car, house, boat, motor cycle, everyone of these things can be replaced. Your rights, loved ones, country, beliefs, way of life and Constitution can not be replaced once they are gone. Even in the Bible it says that we are to defend ourselves, defend those being lead off to their death, defend those who can not defend themselves, and most of all defend the children. Jesus told us that if we do not have a sword then we should sell our cloaks (clothes) in order to by one, because we need to be able to defend our selves from evil when ever it comes at us. No we are not to carry out revenge on those who have wronged us, but we can defend our selves durring the act. People everything that is happening in this world today, and most of all the things that are happening in our country, needs us to stand up and defend it. If we do not who will then? Someone please I beg you to tell me who is going to defend us if we do not. Yes our kids have been brain washed but if we do what is right they will figure out the truth in our actions. We have allowed everything that is happening to us today happen, we have sit back and done nothing for so long that evil has sunk its talons in so deep that we will have to rip them out to get them removed. It is going to be painful and many will die, but if we do not do something they win, and many of us will die anyway. I for one would rather die fighting for the good of all, then to die because we were all to cowardly to even fight. May God bless us all and the Revolution. Watch your back and stay sake out there people.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:16:16 +0000

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