People are demonizing the Palestinian resistance for resisting - TopicsExpress


People are demonizing the Palestinian resistance for resisting living in an occupied and blockaded outdoor detention camp. They are terrorists, and so we can justify killing them whenever we see fit. Even so, the rocket and mortar attacks that have been launched at Israel since 2001 are not justifiable, since the majority of those killed were civilians. How many have been killed in total by these attacks? 28. The resistance to British occupation in Northern Ireland involved far more civilian casualties, just as the resistance to apartheid in South Africa certainly did. Yet many Americans still seem to be willing to buy the Israeli propaganda about human shields or terror tunnels, and thereby justify the relentless bombing of residential neighborhoods. Genocide from the sky is justifiable if someone from the resistance is living nearby or in your building. You can kill as many civilians as you want if it means you get one of these terrorists. This is the logic the Nazis used, and yet their war criminal mentality has been reinvented by the Israeli government, and sold through the mass media as sufficient moral justification. So many Americans eat these lies up because they do not want to really face what our government has done here with Israel as its proxy. This article about a Gaza psychologist provides a powerful glimpse at a people who have had their human rights trampled, and their lives traumatized beyond what is humanly imaginable.....According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz: The Palestinian death toll in the Israeli operation has passed 1,700, including about 400 children. At least 9,000 have been wounded, the Gaza health ministry said. Rights groups have estimated that more than 10,000 houses have been destroyed in the Israeli offensive. nytimes/2014/08/05/world/middleeast/gaza-strip-israel-psychologist-trauma.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=HpSumSmallMedia&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 03:52:41 +0000

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