People are way too open. Which is a problem when they have no - TopicsExpress


People are way too open. Which is a problem when they have no filter. And seemingly no education. So heres is a guide if you are one of those people looking for validation-if any of these apply way too often. You give way too much detail about food. 🍔☕️🍟🍺🍹🍖🍸🍗🍷🍛🍝🍕🍤🍥🍱🍣🍦🍲🍧🍰🍞🍜🍩🍪🍮🍫🍬🍎🍯🍭🍉🍒🍋🍊🍑🍌🍓🍉🍇🍐🍍🍅🌽 Pictures or random details about what you have or will be eating. Not including recipes. You post an obnoxious amount of pictures or details about every event- vacations, dates, fights, break ups . 👪👫💏💑❤️💔Special events should be special because theyre rare. And those are what you share with the world. So stop trying to make everyone look on in awe and jealousy. You talk way too much about personal problems. Money, family problems, car trouble, illness. 💔☔️❄️📓💵💰💉🚗🏥Other than to inform a wide amount of people and look for support for serious issues, sympathy will not help you, and you probably wont get any anyway. You shove your beliefs on people. ⛪️🚓🚬💣🔫💊💵🎃🎅👻🎄🎌🔮🎓👫👬👭💍🇯🇵🇰🇷🇩🇪🇨🇳🇺🇸🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇹🇷🇺🇬🇧👲👳💂👮👷 Someone will shove back. If I thought words would make one bit of difference all Id ever be posting is 😭😪😥😰😨😱😠😩😫😓😢😡😔😞😣🐶🐯🐵🐒🐨🐺🐱🐻🐴🐑🐷🐭🐹🐽🐘🐼🐮🐰🐸🐗🐧🐦🐛🐝🐤🐜🐥🐬🐳🐞🐣🐔🐌🐋🐄🐙🐍🐢🐚🐏🐀🐓🐊🐫🐕🐃🐅🐖🐪🐆🐁🐇🐂🐈🐎🐲🐩🐉🐐🐡💐🍁🌴🌲🍃🌸🌷🍂🌳🌰🌿🍀🌹🌾🌱🌼🍄🌻🌺🌵🌐🌍📓📕📕📘📙📔📒✏️✒️🔬🔭📚📖📰🍎🍏🍊🍋🍒🍇🍉🍓🍑🍈🍌🍐🍍🍆🍅🌽🍯 🚫🍔🍗🍖🍛🎣🔫💊🚬💰⛪️🚛🚫 And the problem with all of this is, no one really cares what anyone else thinks, and if they do, they dont want to. The only time people care is when someone elses beliefs validate there own. Great, rally together. Amongst yourselves, not everyone else who doesnt give a shit. Stop using others to validate yourself. Stop talking about every detail of your day, if it was interesting, youd go do it and not post it. So stop boring the shit out of everyone. Or you just have nothing better to do than allot time before each activity to inform the world of what youre doing- no one gives a shit. Seriously, use that time cleaning or reading. Be productive. You want the world to see you, and the good parts of you, not what is going through your digestive tract at the moment, not what youre going to be bored doing for the next half an hour. Be inspirational. Be informative. Be modest. Be thoughtful. Be honest but dont feel the need to be open about everything. Post and share what you like because it helps people know you, but dont make them HAVE to know you if they dont want to. Dont push yourself on others. Put your best self out there and people will see you. Come on people 🙈🙈🙊 Look at what you post, think about what you say, and just think- will this offend people, will anyone give a shit, and why am I even about to say this? What does it do for anyone. Your opinion is always allowed, but does everyone always need to hear it? Because probably, no one gives a 💩.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:01:45 +0000

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