People just loooove being lied to! I dont give a rats ass if you - TopicsExpress


People just loooove being lied to! I dont give a rats ass if you believe the things I say or post, or not! MOST of you sent ME friend requests, and if you dont like what I have to say, then unfriend me, BLOCK ME if you feel like Im just a dumbass! I dont frikkin care! I love you all, and this is not what I want, but dont mistake me for a fool! I dont need a big number or lots of names on my page to feel special, important, or whatever! And as far as those of you who would appear to be Christians, that dont even have my back, just go ahead and make up a name for your religion, because if you dont believe the scriptures that Christianity is BASED ON, then DONT CALL YOURSELVES CHRISTIANS! How can you pretend to be of the same faith if you dont even believe what scripture teaches!?! Whatever! This is a waste of my time! Those of you who believe that the government loves you and would do no wrong, FINE, worship them, kiss their butts, and reap what you sow! Anything that anyone is gonna try to defend or talk about in general, they must first at least do a little research on the topic!!!...You know what, I just dont care anymore! :( :( :( Screw it! And my apologies to those of you that I just friended, as we dont even know eachother yet. Im just SICK TO DEATH of people talkin smack that dont know what th hell theyre even talking about!!!!!!!!!!!! Why should I even BOTHER trying to reach people with the truth, when I know itll most likely get me executed, if natural causes dont take me first, just to be painted as a fearmongering, conspiracy theorist nut job!?! ENJOY YOUR COGNITIVE DISSONANCE! SEE WHAT THAT GETS YOU! I dont frikkin care anymore!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:55:34 +0000

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