People love trying to bring the supreme force..the creative source - TopicsExpress


People love trying to bring the supreme force..the creative source of all...down to their earthly human understanding. You cannot confine a Supreme Force that has created thousands if not millions of Planets and Stars into a little Earthly book people..and then try to convince everyone that everything there is to know is in this 1 book. No everything about what you call God is not written or told about in the Bible or Quran. You probably got less then 1% knowledge of the Creator in these books. If there were millions of plants, animals, beings, which once existed on this 1 planet alone during its million to billion years existence.. which us humans know very little about... let alone aaaaall of these foreign planets, dimensions, and galaxies...all of which we can only guess about...what makes you think you know much about the Supreme Force that created it all?...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:41:25 +0000

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