" People of Earth; We have watched and waited for many years. You - TopicsExpress


" People of Earth; We have watched and waited for many years. You have not changed. You are greedy, self-centered and inconsiderate of anyone not in your skin. You are evil and manipulative. You start wars over land that isn’t yours. You buy and sell each other. You kill innocents and enslave those less able than yourselves. We have not decided what to do with you. You are a paradox of virtues and your grasp on morality is failing. You planet cries from the blood you spill on it. You continually grab and exploit one another. HOWEVER … we have discovered a word that tends to halt you in your tracks. It is a simple word-yet bears so many definitions that we are set aback at your fear of it. You use it to describe the food you eat. The music you prefer. Even your weather is described by its use. Here is our confusion and the only reason we hesitate to intervene in your goings-on; Although you cannot ascribe any real definition to it, you revere it and hate it. You ask your people to kill in the name of it. You have been known to sacrifice everything you have (including your very dignity) for it. You use it. You lack it. You beg for it and even grieve its passing. We’re seen you do all manner of evil and good in its name. Yet … you have NO concept of its meaning. We have left off trying to figure you out. We have decided to come back in a few more millennia to see if you have or even CAN progress past your confusion and into the full meaning of it. We leave you with a verse from a book that some of you consider holy; “Beloved, let us LOVE one another. For LOVE is of God and everyone that LOVES in born of God and knows God. He that LOVES not does not know God for God IS … LOVE” Perhaps this will help to clear up your misgivings … we are optimistic on your behalf. Signed, Your Neighbors" from "A Work in Progress" by ~ Joe Lindsey
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 06:14:17 +0000

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