People, please stop calling or comparing migraines to your - TopicsExpress


People, please stop calling or comparing migraines to your headache. They are NOT the same thing. I find it really frustrating when people assume that migraine sufferers are being dramatic. It is NOT a headache!! I am grateful that I do not get them to the degree or as frequently as I use to. I think good health and diet changes have helped me some, but finally taking medication has changed my life. Even with the medication I still get some of the symptoms. They are not pleasant. My cognitive function still becomes impaired. This can be very frustrating for me. Often I have a hard time finding words, misuse words and have hard time putting a sentence together. I have broke out in tears of frustration before trying to explain something to Blair and unable to make words. That is if I DO take the meds!!! When I dont, I often feel like a stroke victim. Your worse hangover will never compare to how they really feel. I know several people who deal with severe chronic migraine on an almost daily basis and I know they must cringe when people say oh I have a headache today too.. UGH! So please, I beg you, stop treating migraine sufferers like they are just having a bad headache day. Migraines are a neurological disorder.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:45:27 +0000

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