Plain film vs Radiograph - the kind of quality editorial debate - TopicsExpress


Plain film vs Radiograph - the kind of quality editorial debate that goes on behind the scenes at Editor A: My thoughts; 1. As an advocate of efficiency, I like the term plain film, since it employs two syllables instead of four. Over a lifetime I estimate this results in a time savings of at least 8.8 hours. 2) As an advocate of populism, I like the term plain film, since the etymology of the terms contains a word derived from humble old english as opposed to the highfalutin double latinate radiograph. Plain is latinate, I suppose, but humble by definition. I wonder if the preference for radiograph is subliminally a physician preference for polysyllabic latin. 3) I have also been replacing the outdated term magnetic resonance with magical ray, FYI. Editor B: Youre orders of magnitude off! Youve not even given ranges, or corrected for speech patterns! I am thinking maybe you just made it up. My calculations result in the following estimate for a busy MSK / community practice (100 plain films a day x 300 days a year x 30 years) - this is assuming a 1 second difference; further adjustments are necessary based on regional accent and general pressure of speech. (1 x 100 x 300 x 30) / (60 x 60 x 24) = 10.4 lifetime days Hearing some folks southern drawl I expect some MSK or chest radiologists could actually be looking at as much as 30-50 person days over a career. On the other hand, for someone like me who often has to look up the spelling of x-ray, I would probably incur no more than 12-24 hours. Maybe we should write to AJR...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 22:03:04 +0000

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