Please COPY AND PASTE IF YOU CARE TO STOP THE MADNESS OF THE DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER IN TAIJI. Only knowing we are all watching and pouring emails and comments will stop this madness... This is addressed to the Japanese Prime Minister cabinet. IT WILL TAKE YOU ONLY 2 MINUTES TO DO THIS! WEBSITE ADDRESS: SUBJECT (pick one of these): Coastline, Japanese Coastline, Japan Coast, Japan Coastline or any similar subject EMAIL CONTENT (please remain polite and you may change the content): Please stop the murder and captive trade in Taiji. Japan is regarded as a modern and well-respected country, but barbarism in the village of Taiji has become an alarming stain that has no honor. The needless death for dolphins, who are intelligent and compassionate animals, is regarded as an assault against life, and the health and conservation of the seas. Starting with The Cove, the Internet and Social Media has created a deep awareness across the globe. There is a deepening appreciation for the sentience and wonder that these beautiful animals possess, their rich family and social life, the trusting and helpful interaction with humans, and their rightful place in the oceans. There is nothing that will hold back this exponentially growing movement. From around the world, we work diligently against the taking of migrating dolphins that pass by Japan. They are not yours to take. They are not yours to kill. They are not yours to take captive. They are not yours to sell. Whether it is mercury-laden meat from the slaughter of precious dolphins, or the condemnation of a miserable life in captivity, we will NEVER give up until this brutal practice ceases forever. We will not go away. We will never be silent.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:33:42 +0000

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