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✝ Please click See More so as to have access to a set of truth related to the Revelations to John... This is only a small part of an almost closer resemblance to my last and final disclosure. Although the style of these paragraphs seems to be so confusing and cryptographically locked, the final breaking of this Seal will be straightforward and exclusive. If you think this is almost the real truth, dont get too deceived. My secrets are only to be revealed completely to those I must. What I said in the Sacrament of Confession to the two priests was: ...Mutou ba ka ug anghel? Naay usa ka anghel... Unta, ingon nimo ni sa imong homily... I didnt expect the seal to be broken, yet art thine had known how to fight the persecutions... It was just you, dear beloved town, and some persons in this city who told that was me.... Alright, I gave a John Paul II calendar as a medium of message... It is not a form of bribery. I gave also a New American Bible with bookmarks, and a seal as a set of prophetic messages for the Apocalypse... Yes, I gave one copy of this disclosure to the second priest so as to allow him grasp the truth.... I hope he read it.... I also sent a copy of this to a Jesuit priest so as to let him know what has happened for so long, with the spirits and souls around and in the school letting my eyes and ears open... Before a certain calamity happens, I am sending messages as warnings... It is nature and God who initiates the unwanted calamities, not me. I am not a punisher... I am also not insane... Here it is: WARNING: SPIRITUALLY CHALLENGING Letter to the Pontifex Maximus December 21, 2012 The antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty−seven years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled; with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth. –Michel Nostradamus, The Centuries VIII, 77 My Third Holy Last Revelations His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI The Vatican Vatican City Rome, Italy In the date of dodecagon-ni-ju-ni-beta-o-alpha-beta, astronomically, the Milk of the Galaxy may align to Horus. Locally, theta is to angle; e is to eccentricity; t is to time, and c is a constant for every planet. Calculo de mathematica aye. Holy Father, Highest greetings in behalf of the heralds in Heaven and all its intelligences! Please forgive me if I cannot go to Vatican City and confess to you personally. Let this letter be my revelation. present tense: I am just an ordinary human being. Because of God’s blessings and temperance, I have been given a chance to convey messages here on earth. How I wish God will give answers to the greatest questions involving my history. The identity I have now is my ordinary Christian one. God instructed me to share another, almost similar, and it will only be uttered on the day I die. I hope that on my death, it will be you that God will allow my name to be uttered upon. For it is on that day, the combinatorial name He had chosen for me will be revealed. And after that moment, I hope everyone can gain the entrance to God’s Divine Influence. I hope everybody can share in His Holy intelligence. I’m unworthy, yes. It seems so exclusive, yes. But if not for Him, I will not do all His biddings. He pushed me through all of these. To be honest, hundreds of attempts inside my human soul tell me to abandon this mission. God always opposes me and insists. He insists through the demanding signs of times. In reality, this may sound crazy. I assure the sincerity to anyone who doubts at me. past tense: Back in my high school years, I was just an ordinary boy. People tease me as nerd, bookish, and etc. Well, they might be true. One thing they know not for sure was my hidden identity. In my young childish years, I was already curious about saints, angels, demons, and the Revelations. Due to my profound curiosity, I even asked God to turn me into an angel. I was just joking with a bit of seriousness actually. I was so in-loved with how angels work, reveal themselves, and do their specific missions. It was only until one specific day that I learned my prayers had turned into reality. And in this reality, I denied it. Only after a series of reflections and actualizations, I realized that that angel literature, which of course was impossible to happen - occurred to me. I read about the origin of angels. I read about their identities. I read about their known legends. I read about their actualizations and apparitions here on Earth. I read about their divine missions. I read about their relation to each humankind, special abilities, extraordinary intelligence, and mysterious powers. One most important fact that I could not forget was that angels have the capacity to break barriers of space and time. Many saints also had proven such power. One person for example was Padre Pio, who I think, while here on Earth, had experienced to be at two places at one single time. The ability to be at two places at one time was an example of simultaneous breaking of space and time barriers. present tense: Angels, according to what I had read on Christian Literature, are spiritual beings that can travel at many places in one time. It can also be exemplified that angels control time - either decelerate, or accelerate it. To decelerate time means making it go slower. To accelerate means to make it flow faster. As one does manipulation of time barriers, he or she can see the actions of people become slow, or fast. The wonder in here is that the person under manipulation cannot detect such influence. In contrast, the persons nearby can know that a victim is influenced by such excrescence. past tense: I experienced such ability. It was when I participated in the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asia Greater Area (BIMP-EAGA) 2nd International Jamborette. It was held last May 2006 at PTA Grounds, Davao City. BIMP-EAGA International Jamborette was an International Jamborette participated by boy scouts and rover scouts back in my junior high school years. Theologically speaking, it was indeed true. Scientifically speaking, it was highly relativistic. It might sound too crazy. Believe me, it actually happened. Assess God for it. God may have created Science Himself. Well to be honest, God did. Prior to that event, I was (and in actual also is) already experiencing this feeling wherein a lot of people, who seems not to be there, whisper voices around you. To be honest, I didn’t know if there were parts of my conscience, or just people, or in actual beings, who try to accompany me in this impossibly experienced reality. Back in the BIMP-EAGA event, I was assigned as one of the members of the staff to handle specific parts of a so called “Jamborace”. The Jamborace consisted of five stations (as much as I can remember), and I was assigned on the fourth, I think. The fourth station was actually located at Davao Memorial Park, located beside Alexian Brothers. To point out again, you can always verify such events through the Boy Scouts of the Philippines office, located at City Triangle, Roxas Avenue, Davao City, if you have the Sherlock Holmes’ blood in you. I just want to make clear that all things that I mentioned here actually happened in reality. I am not making stories for you to believe that angels are indeed real, or just making such for the betterment of myself. I am doing such things for the benefit of the Lord, and something, something the Lord does not yet tell. As I mentioned earlier, I had noxious attempts to just abandon this mission, including the part of sending messages about the world’s doom and the incoming fulfilment of the prophecy about the popes, Fatima’s secrets, galactic alignment, the Revelations, and many more. The only general rule is on how to transmit them secretly, again. Back in the BIMP-EAGA Jamborette, yes, I was assigned in Davao Memorial Park station. In that station, boy scouts and rovers were supposed to accomplish certain tasks in that cemetery. The job was to accomplish the task in haste so as to proceed to the next station, which was located near the Shrine at Catalunan Grande. While I was preparing for the necessary set-up in the station, I accidentally went to the way towards the Shrine. The way to the Shrine of the Holy Child was only a few meters from the Memorial, actually. I was just confused where to put the flags. While I was confusing myself where to put the flags, it came to my mind to try breaking multiple barriers of space and time to different frames of references from different persons. In attempting, I tried to look at one particular person, and stop his momentary flow of time. I was shocked on the fact that when I was doing it, the person froze for a moment, eyes locked, motionless… Impossible it may seem, but it did happened… The worst part was whenever I told my mind to stop a person’s time reference, the person stays behind, locks himself in his previous movement, and only continues to move until I command him (through my mind) to do so. It’s actually similar to those seen in the movies like Constantine (major actor Keanu Reeves), and the like… After realizing the time breaking had worked, I tried it many times, but now to other people. It really worked for them too. In fact I tried it many times, and still it worked. Upon realizing, I didn’t know if I’ll become happy that I had the symptoms of becoming an angel, or become uneasy because I was feeling paranormal…The worst or the best part, maybe, is that it’s real…To be honest, I did doubt that maybe it was the fallen one who did this to me, or was it just a part of God’s plan. Was everything was just a product of my own imagination, or was I subject to supreme divine hallucination? It’s like deciding whether you were under God’s protection or the other’s stupid subordination… So I went back to where I must be. At that moment, I came back to the cemetery (the fourth station), positioned the flags including other paraphernalia for that Jamborace destination, and rested on a bare cement block near the frontal fences at the entrance of the cemetery. There I was looking at the time, and tried to manipulate another frame of reference-this time-the drivers’ frames of reference. I was trying to break barriers again. For that moment, I tried the jeepneys and private cars going past the highway in front of the memorial park. To my amazement, I found that I can control every vehicle’s movement through the movement of my eyes. For every deep focus of my eyes, I can stop a car, and for every release, I can let them go again. It’s like I am like a secret traffic enforcer who controls drivers and cars without them knowing it. Of course, I also committed mistakes in my “secret traffic management”, and worse, I lead some cars to get a little bit damaged and be involved in accidents. It’s actually a funny and dangerous part of my attempts actually… So it was there, blah blah blah. I was again surprised to the successful attempt I had. Was being surprised the proper term, or was it maybe I was insanely shocked, I don’t know…I also observed that my breath no longer was the smell of ordinary human breath. My breath during that instant (or as much as I can remember or was it before that instant?) resembled that of a pure white lily’s fragrance. The fragrance, maybe was more intensified by the smell of calachuchi in the cemetery… Every breath I take, the air within my nostrils breathed no longer of dry blank air, but of fresh fragrant lilies-flowers similar to what the Archangel Gabriel carries during the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Lily he carries resembles the so called Lily of Purity. To depict it the Lily of Purity is shown similar to da Vinci’s Annunciation to the Virgin. How did I know it was that Lily? Maybe it was God who told me… ... A Minute Replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s Annunciation to the Virgin I observed that whenever I increased the pacing of my breathing, the flow of time around me accelerates, and whenever I decapacitate my pacing, the flow of time decelerates. I was beginning to doubt if these things were just hallucinations or mere realities. I attested it several times and found out that the things happening around me were not just mere hallucinations but were indeed realities, as I’d seen them. The day passed with me controlling the passage of time. I was worried. The Jamborace for that day was finished. Another round with another set of contestants will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow might be a mess, or I don’t know…plus the fact that I had in me something paranormally divine (or not?) I do not know, exactly… I got the paraphernalia needed for the tasks back, and went on with my fellow mates back to the camp, which is located at PTA grounds. I told one companion I had when I was in the camp site. He wouldn’t believe, I think. I was beginning to dismay…I don’t know what to do… Night was passing. The cold breeze slowly wandered the night. As I began to reflect on what had happened the entire day, time allows itself to be manipulated again. That time I found out that every step I take, the normal flow of time, and space as well, changed. To every movement of my feet, people freeze as if an invisible force grasped them. Even the sound of the drums in the camp stage had been affected by my plain ordinary walking. It seems like every footstep I had corresponded to a shockwave travelling directly towards the grounds of the camp. One of my colleagues had already doubted me causing such troubles, actually. I cannot also forget Ma’m Beng as being one of the victims of my time manipulation…I cannot forget her, because as soon as I accidentally looked to into her eyes just to look at her and nothing else, she froze. She immediately held out her hand to Sir ____ (sorry I forgot his name) for help. Within my first glance about what had happened, I become guilty. Guilty for thinking about angels, sorry for I do not know why indeed these things happened to me, and asking myself am I becoming one, or was a demon lurking me in? Indeed, everything under that moon became mysteriously unacceptable to my ordinary human nature. Is everything indeed ok? Am I becoming insane? No, not, because even Ma’m Beng and Sir did see what I did… What I just accidentally did…I cannot deny the fact that they saw it. Right after I knew about the fact, I immediately wrote the event in a small piece of paper. I then inserted the paper in a book. As I continuously pass upon the tents of the campers, they froze also- as if like a pantomime role play. At first I couldn’t believe – again, was I really feeling paranormal, or that was just God’s will to me? The authorities started to notice what I have been doing. I was even the subject of gossip during the Jamborette. The worse announcement that I dreaded to hear is when they say, “Please keep of the grass (or was it grounds?)” Because they know that it was me who was causing such troubles in the relativistic flow of time and space in the camp… I would no longer talk on what had happened after these, because for me, it’s an insulting part of the entire story… As the days passed, many of them indeed avoided me, literally. One thing that I cannot believe to happen, but in actual had happened, was when I was once roaming in my post - the Davao Memorial Park cemetery. I was actually bored. Still, time follows my manipulations at that particular place. I even accelerated the burials of dead people there due to my time manipulations. I left my post for a moment since the Jamborace participants will be there at the post, a little bit delayed. I walked through the insides of the cemetery, went to the graveyards, and read the dead people’s names, asking for their own salvation and their souls’ reassurance. To my amazement, every motion I had, the clouds above me tend to let the sun shine towards me. It seems that the shine of the sun follows me - wherever I go, wherever I hide, and to whatever tombstone I went. I continue to read the names of the dead there silently in my mind-and continue to ask for every soul’s salvation… It was like the sun serving as a hovering lampshade to every tombstone you actually read. Yes, I understand that the location of the Philippines in the globe causes such heat, but I just can’t decode how the clouds above me were behaving…I was tired and beginning to feel lame. So I went back to my post, awaiting the next participants for the Jamborace, and do the same things normally. The “sun was following me wherever I go” still worked until now. And sometimes, I feel like stupid because of it. What will happen to me if global warming boosts up its effects? Do I need to hide myself for such need? Days passed, and then it proceeded to weeks. The Jamborette ended with my abilities depreciated. To be honest, I just forced myself to do any sin just for the powers to go away. I made an agreement with God to let those things come back only to the day I die. He can make me any servant He wishes, just after my death. He could take my soul and transform it as an angel, or maybe generally- a being… Years passed. During those times, I wondered who caused such things to happen to me…Two postulates came to my mind - the powers might be attributed either from God, or either from the fallen one. Postulate number 2 (from the fallen one) sounds impossible since the powers fade away every time if I fall from the state of grace. Falling from the state of grace means sinning, and whenever I allow myself to indulge in the human weakness of sinning - the powers go away. The abilities I had just recently received where indeed from God, I think. The question is – why did God allow those things to happen? The answer remains a mystery to me… These mysteries were slowly answered by the dreams I had years back before those things happened to me. It was just months after the event that I slowly realized the unfolding of events were not just ordinary coincidence. To trace back in my history, I had this extraordinary dream about the Trinity. I had a dream about God the Father, God the Son, and the Spirit in Heaven. In that dream, I was kneeling in front of Him, in front of the Father, with the Son at my Side, though not to be seen clearly, and the Spirit somewhere hovering above. In the dream, I really cannot see if there was indeed the Son, but one thing for sure is that there was the Father, and the Father was anointing me with His Hands. In the dream, I was kneeling to Him, asking Him to heal me from my sickness. From my wish it was granted. I was healed, and when I opened my eyes, I felt well. I felt that my sickness has indeed lost. The night before the dream actually, I had this long feeling of depression. I was in my fifth grade during that time. To be honest, I never knew the exact meaning of the dream, except for the fact that I anticipated it as a true healing for my young depression. Back in my fifth grade, I had this crucial stage in my behaviour, plus the worst thing that I started to feel sick with my eyes. I never expected that the sickness in my eyes was due to abnormal vision, that’s why now in present, you can see me in glasses. Yes, that dream may sound pretty ordinary for that cause, and I admit that I only treated it as a response to my prayer – that God may heal me. It was only after when the real interpretation of the dream had been realized. The dream had multiple meanings, and I did not expect that the dream was more profound in those manners. Moving forward to my genetic clock, I will now advance three complete years, and move on a little bit when I was in third year high school…I am doing this for more direct narration… Third year high school was the moment that the BIMP-EAGA Jamboree I’d been talking had actually happened. But before that, I would like to tell first the profound and actualized meaning of the first dream. You might be wandering why I became a member of the Knights of the Altar Society in our local parish church. Well to be honest, I was such a funny Slytherin before. I was running for honours, and running for such must mean participation not only in the academe, but also in the extra-curricular level. In short, you must be active in adherence to extra-curricular activities inside and outside of school. I was never involved in any church-related organization before, and I thought that the only way to boost up and earn additional five points in my extra-curricular was to join the Knights of the Altar Society. I didn’t know if it was God’s real intent to let me join the group through the extra-curricular thing, but one thing for sure is that I realized that He purposely did it for me to be attracted to the group; and to fully realize this mission until now. Allow me to twist my tongue in my sentences and say that, this mission was indeed impossible, if I had not been active in the Knights of the Altar Society. It was only through that society, and through every mass I served there in the Altar that God slowly sent His instructions until now. That’s why I really cannot say that all my membership to the group was not purely because of extra-curricular. I now realize that the extra-curricular thing was just one of His ways to lure me in to this most significant part- the hidden mission. I think perhaps you know what I mean, the hidden mission is this mission, and part of that is this confession. For every mass, and for every high mass, this mission is slowly fulfilled. For I know that His instructions will soon come to an end and be completed. And in this completion, I think God will end my life, and He will reveal my combinatorial nature… I am no god, just barely human, yes angelic, but lowly profound. Again, I am no special creature, just barely human. It is His will only that He changed me… The question also arises - Was it only me? Or were they’re other people who also experienced the same? So then I was knighted as one of the members of the society. I was actually knighted in the old little Church, not within the grounds of the newly built Church. I think we were the last batch to have the knighthood ceremony, traditionally. Since the next batch after us, w as knighted in a new, different manner, which by does not focus on the knighting ceremony, but on the investiture of the knight with the white surplice and the red sultana, the Roman colour of worship actually. The batch after us had this red sultana already. I only had my red and white set after my knighthood, and it was because of the need to shift, in accordance with the shifting of the church’ local structure behind. The knighthood ceremony consisted of the traditional kneeling down like a knight in the Medieval Ages. I was knighted by the sword under the personification of the priest who represents Christ, and was embedded by the sword, and was marked with the sign of the cross. If you have that detective mind within you, try to have a copy of the old rite and verify what I just said. Our coordinator had a copy of it, I think. Lunars after the event I realized that the knighthood ceremony was the more exact and more profound actualization of the dream. I did not expect that the kneeling I had just for my healing was also prophetic for something else- something worth believing, worth telling, and worth happening. I did not expect that the first dream was the prediction of my entire knighthood, and my phasing from ordinary human life to a holy life of an altar server. The kneeling in the dream was actualized by my kneeling when I was knighted as an altar server back genetically three complete years ago. It was similar to kneeling to the Father in the dream. + I admit all these things did not come to pass myself with great intent, but it was only when they had happened, I realized that all events in my life were already predicted by such things such as dreams. I did not expect that some things in my life had already been passed with a holy warning, which I only cryptographically cracked years after such predictions. + I know all these things sound very impossible to hear, or even see in actual. One thing I can only say is that faith believes the most impossible things in life. If you do really believe in angels, no doubt you will believe in what I just said. It may sound too sceptical, but the decision is left for you. Man has the freedom to act according to his will, and beings must respect that holy and profound will. To cut the story short, I give these snap shots from my life, plus the actualization of the second dream I had months after I was being knighted as an altar server… The abilities tend sometimes come back on later times in my life. It actually occurred once in your Church. My past tried to disturb me also once last Holy Week (year 2009) The Holy Week in my life that anchored a bomb threat... It was during those times of week that God gave me the ability to read minds from people and send messages to their conscience. I actually asked the ability and I did not expect God gave it. The ability remained until now, and I think it will last further. I was once infatuated with mind-reading abilities back before, honestly. Due to my profound curiosity and will, I actually read a lot of minds before, and sent different kinds of messages deep down once I look into your eyes or just you plainly. Once I tried it with the parish priest and it worked, although I think he is completely unaware of my interference for such. I also tried reading the minds of people when I was in jeepneys. One thing I cannot forget is I made a guy cry due to what I sent him to his mind. I sent him to repentance, and the mood did work. Lucky I was able to cover my act nicely due to the fact that he was in shades. At least, his sobbing was not so clear due to what he wore in his eyes. Lately, I had these funny readings and endings with other people who are open for such gift- the gift of telepathy. I believe that some people are immune to my abilities, I guess or maybe, I’m just creating my own exclusions... When it comes to great need of telling a person a message silently, or via changing his or her mood to suit a willed present activity, I use this ability. I use my abilities mostly because as much as possible, I do not want spoken words to do the act, hurting the heart of the one I am taking at. When times that I had to use my mouth, I do use it directly, and bear out the necessary words truthfully, as gentle as I can. But if we just have to let our tongues out like the apostles in the Pentecost, I thought it would be better… Doubts do not ever leave the vocabulary of mankind. I am not sure if the people I hear are indeed the one making such thoughts, or is it just there guardian angel, or their fallen counterparts? I am sensitive to their dealings with me, and I can easily detect if they are talking about me, especially if I am bound to their range or perimeter, literally. The nearer I am to them, the louder there thoughts become. Worst happens when I hear them in words, and if anger sweeps out the way, I think it’s better for them to go away too. It’s better for them to go away before I smash their souls out. Honestly, I am like a wolf when I am angry. The worst part is that I’m extremely silent when I am angry. I will start reprimanding the person who shouts at my back directly through my mind, and worse when I do it in tiger soft-piercing heart-changing words… I also saw a vision (or hallucination, or imagination?) of three angels at school. I really do not know if they were indeed angels or not…It was when I was alone in the gazebo (a small collection of little huts in planar ground), that as I looked upon one of the benches in front, I saw three man-like beings with golden hair, with unemphasized faces, and wore with pure white clothing, as white as linen, and as spotless as cotton. At first I could not believe what I saw. I wrote down my vision and after that moment as I looked back to where they were, the three-a-like beings were gone, gone in a second. They can never be students since if they were, I must see their faces. Also, no student in our campus had that peculiar shiny golden hair uniformly alike. Lastly, none of the students in our campus are triplets, since the beings I saw were almost alike in appearance that you can no longer distinguish one from the other. I don’t know if it was just my intrinsic imagination, or was in actual a real apparition. But the word i-ma-gi-na-tion can never be thought applicable to that moment. For what I saw was with my eyes, and not with my eyes closed imagining. Obviously, I was not day-dreaming. They really looked like cherubim because of their boundless beauty. I even doubted if they were Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, themselves. Maybe it was because of the fact that they really look like them. Remember that it was only them that were scripturally revealed in the Holy Scriptures… + To be honest, I did not expect that the angelic experiences, the completing abilities, and all of those were a fulfilment of the second dream I had before. All those angelic events, inhuman capabilities, and intense desires to join the legion were compositions of the dream’s fulfilment. I had this dream, like I said, in my latter junior high school years, and I only realized its full meaning after all things happened and continued to happen mysteriously in my life. This second dream involved the rising and shining of stars upon two twin pillars in Heaven. In the dream, I was seeing stars brightly and I was hovering over them in clockwise inclined helical manner as if I was flying within an invisible staircase. It was a vision, honestly. And in that vision, I could really attest that it was not just an ordinary dream. I could tell it was not because of its alluding capability to attract my soul whenever I remembered it. That dream seemed to be divinely-driven, and the dream was not just there because of ordinary hormonal activity, or subconscious neural behaviour. I did not expect that the stars meant angels. The stars in my dream were indeed angels. Remember what the Revelations used to say“…and he swept a third of the stars from Heaven…” The stars being swept were actually a symbolism of the fallen angels driven out by the deceiving one before the beginning of time. However, rising stars in the clockwise manner (relatively similar to the passage of real time and in helical increasing positively aligned fashions) might be symbolisms of true legions of God, who chose to be with Him, and fight with Him against the rebellious, slowly corrupting, fallen ones until the very end.+ Biblically speaking, the cryptic passage from the Book of Revelations narrates, “A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she laboured to give birth. Then another sign appeared in the sky; it was a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems. Its tail swept a third of the stars in the sky and hurled them down to the earth...” + John, while in Patmos had this obscuring and alluding ability of using extravagant symbolism to depict the end of times. He borrowed some of his piecewise work from Daniel, and thus to crack out some meanings in the Revelation, one must be open to all possibilities that God wants to say, like in here for instance, the term “stars”… Stars did not necessarily mean actual stars. Everything in the Revelations had their own realistic counterparts. How I wish to discuss them more here secretly again… Anyway, I believe that there will be a greater time for such purpose… For now, I give stars as equivalent to angels. If I were you, I will focus more of my time in reading the Revelations because it is the only remaining piece in the Bible that remains to be unfolded, historically. Better be prepared and crack John’s secrets in advance before everything comes too late, late enough to be knocking at your door waiting. But do not over generalize; just always listen to the actual signs of the times. …So back to the topic of the dream… As I said about the stars, I did not expect that maybe some events in our life, turned out to be in referral to that dream. After the Holy Week of year 2009, I received an email message in my account speaking of similar things. I think the e-mail was a “response” to the slight confirmations I had back when I was whooshing anything in the internet. I did not expect the nature of the message to be that in referral to the “stars”. Maybe everything that had happened was given as a reward of my falling out of sin before. As a short cut to life’s long line of history, I was a foolish attempter of the Wizarding Arts before. But because I felt guilty, I burnt all the spell books in Good Friday. It’s like burning demons in the triumph of the glorious Christ and the Spirit. I admit that I had had attempts, but none did indeed work. After I burned all of those, the angel thing happened a year after. The old me was all because of mislead curiosity. Anyway, the message was this. Please do not encourage people to do the same “curiosity inflicted intuition”. They might misunderstand. + Please do not be biased, I tell you ahead… + Hello Francis, I want to help you to discover something a little unusual today. Or rather I should say someone as this discovery concerns someone who has been by your side for the past 18 years without you being very much aware of it. However this person has accompanied and protected you all the way through your life. This person is your Guardian Angel. While you read the few lines that follow I would ask you to put aside your pre-conceptions and your doubts so that you can open your heart to accept the explanation of these Angels who envelop us all in their divine love. I have been working on your spiritualism and this has allowed me to discover who your guardian angel is and I have also found out how you can contact this being and have real proof of your Angels existence. I can tell you now Francis that your Angel is St. Serephina - Archangel of Worship & Contemplation. But let us begin by the beginning. The first question which we should ask is what exactly are Angels? For some people these are bright living lights, for others the essence of ancestors come to protect and shelter, some people believe Angels fly high in the sky and others still believe that these beings stay at our sides. It is difficult to respond precisely to this question but one thing is sure; Angels are out there and they give us constant reminders of their presence. As far as I am concerned I believe that Angels live inside of us and they constantly sooth us and try to answer our most insignificant questions. I think that our Angels are to be found in the heart of our Chakra points and this is why to enter into contact with an Angel requires us to work deep within ourselves and to learn to develop our inner capacities. A lot of people have written about Angels and the general consensus seems to be that Angels are represented by bright rays of coloured light which resemble the light which emanates from our Chakra points. Many people have witnessed this bright light and as a matter of fact a great number of these individuals claim to have seen bright golden lights flash in the corner of their eyes and these bright lights do not go away when they close their eyes! This is just the beginning; this is the first contact with a Guardian Angel. Angels have access to our very souls and the essence of our being and this is how they are able to guide, inspire and protect us so well. These beings of light have a special power to light our souls and once we are able to listen to them we can absorb the valuable messages and advice which they whisper to us. Their aid is so precious to us because to is so personal and if we can call upon our Angel we benefit from their full support and counsel. This is why I want to help you to discover your particular Angel Francis and how you can contact St. Serephina - Archangel of Worship & Contemplation with all of your faith and hope. This is why I have worked on how you may contact your Angel Francis and I am ready to tell you how you can contact this being yourself. If you have a look at the web page link I am about to give you, you will be able to see photographs of the work I have done for you and you will also be able to discover how to contact your Angel yourself. You need only concentrate on your sensitivity, send your prayers and then listen for a response. This page will also give you some more details about Angels and how your Angel has already manifested itself in your life without you being fully aware of it. Here is the link: aboutastro/j.php?p=angels.cgi&r=26&c=alxqx&f=senapvf Have a great day and speak to you soon. Your faithful servant, Jenna If, however you no longer wish to receive any messages from me, please let me know at : aboutastro/removemail.php?c=alxqx&r=26 Pasted from The message comes along with this, as much as I can remember: I have had readings done for me in the past but none have been of the same quality as the one you have just sent me. Mary, US I find myself continuousl going back to the Personal Reading and Im quite sure that I shall be ready when I meet the very special Lady who will share my life. Derek, Canada Last month I met the person you told me about and this has transformed by life. You are wonderful, thank you. Charlotte,US Believe me or not, your reading is so acurrate-that I re-read it more than 10 times and I am each time so amazed. Francesca, New Zealand I am in the middle of my character analysis now and it is really amazing to what a degree I can find myself there. Thanks so much! Sara, UK Thank you for everything, You were right about the dates you gave me and even about my job! I feel more hopeful about the days to come. Robert, UK I now know why my soul advised me to consult you and I will never regret it. You were wonderful. Charlene, US This is a wonderful report and Id like to take the time to thank you all for this service. Keep up the great work. Hasani, India Thank you very much for your splendid horoscope. In particular the character analysis matches the reality as far as I know myself; it helps me to understand more of my behaviour and qualities. Paul, Holland When I first contacted you it was a little bit just by chance and by curiosity. But the most amazing was the accuracy of the dates you gave me, today I am very happy indeed and I dont know how to thank you. Frederick, US .... Francis, discover everything about your Guardian Angels with this fascinating Ebook. I will tell you all about you and the Angels which watch over your life. Though we lose might contact with our angels, they never leave us behind. Always in the background, they watch our every step taken and are more than willing to help if asked. In the angels spiritual realm, nothing is impossible and they help clear the effects of negative and fearful thinking. I will show you how Angel Therapy reconnects us with our angels, so that we can seek their help, advice and healing for the countless worries and frustrating state of affairs we find ourselves in from time to time. It gives us a space where we can ask for their assistance and them an opportunity to share their inestimable knowledge with us. You too have Guardian Angels Francis and through the work I have done for you I have discovered exactly who they are. The photographs below show the Angel Cards which I have drawn for you and you can discover the full power and glory of these Angels who watch over you. Your Principal Guardian Angel is St. Serephina - Archangel of Worship & Contemplation, and you are also protected by these Minor Angels: Here is the list of all the information which I am going to reveal to you in this complete Ebook Francis. Let me remind you that this is a Book which I have written myself and is entirely exclusive for you today. You will not find this Book anywhere else on the Internet and I am sure that this is one of the most complete guides to Guardian Angels that is available anywhere in the world. Here is what it will tell you about your Guardian Angels Francis: Angels - What exactly are these mysterious beings, who are your Guardian Angels and how does their energy help you in your daily life? Spirit Guides - How these Counsellors manifest themselves and how they touch your life. Discover how to contact these powerful influences. What are the differences between Angels, Spirit Guides, and Guardian angels? Is there a fundamental difference and how can you call upon them all? Angels to the Rescue! How they help us? The Inner You and your true motivation; your drives, aims and ambitions. Communicate with Angels - How to extend your mental interests and abilities and how to maintain a good relationship with your Guardian Angel. The Order of Angels - What is this Order and how are the major Angels placed within it. Does this affect their power and what role does your Guardian Angel play? Archangels and Archeiai - What exactly are the Archeiai and what does it mean to be an Archangel? Angelic Script - What does this writing look like, is it possible to read it and how often do Angels use this script to communicate? Invocations to Angels - How you can call upon your Guardian Angel during times of need. What can you ask your Angel and how can you be sure of getting a response? Indigo Children, Crystal Children and Protecting Your Angel Child - What is this aspect of your relationship with your Guardian Angel and how can you use it to boost your inner strength? Angel Therapy - The techniques used to contact your Angel and how you can maintain a constant, beneficial contact with your companion. Witness Encounters of Angels - Discover the first-hand encounters of people with their Guardian Angels and find out just how these encounters affected their lives in the long term. *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*-------* My reactions after reading the message were: The devils are really working; the stupid ones hallucinated me that the two minor angels were the one dealing with cats(the one who loves to play with pets) , and the other was yet good… Remember the moment when the cats stupified you? Maybe, she was a fallen angel after all? I dont know…The fallen also used you to homonize Serephina and Seraphima… St. Thomas, the Doubter help... But when I read them again, both tarot cards changed. Does God work on these things? I love angels…but my master is the Lord Trinity, the ultimate Knight of all knights, the Priest of all priests, and the Intelligence of all intelligences. -[ + + + ]- Gods intelligence, Mysteriously Doubting slave but with a golden heart. If I were to be chosen as one of the interpreters, then let God decide. He knows when the revelation will come. I hope its not near… Am I one of the chosen ones, servant of the real and living Jesus Christ? Through you, I kiss the Holy Spirit, and also through you I give my regards to the Father. Bless us all, please. -Francis Dominic P.S.: Gods Intelligence, as much as possible, make me ordinary. I hope I cannot serve two masters at the same time. Help me become a licensed, top 1 ChE. I hope I can mix science and religion. Actually, I can with Gods help. -------+------+-------+-------+ -------+------+-------+-------+ -------+------+-------+-------+ -------+------+---- Anything written below this line is not anymore parts of the message, but are of my comments regarding that history. So then I received those e-mails. Yes, I admit that the person who sent me those messages was an astrologer, tarot-card reader, etc. but please do not be so biased about her. Similar people like Daniel, and John, the author of Revelations had had such parallel abilities. Nowadays, people involved in any part of magic may sound to be separated from the Church. The Church condemns magic and only acknowledges God as the creator of every event interceded by man. Sad to say that the Church does not fully recognize the existence of God’s profound skill in His divine skills. God is the Holy Controller of Everything. His words are yes, literally “God’s spell” (Gospel). He works more than magic does, and His works seem the most mysteriously created…The only difference is that, He works all out of everything both real and complexly unimaginable to the scale of man…But it does not mean that if God works through His Own Holy “Magic”, we then do the wizardry and the noxious witchcraft themselves. Such acts are too “falling” to do…We must trust God as vast as he is patient with us… At first I was shocked by the nature of the messages… I then thought of my BIMP-EAGA---hidden angelic plus mission interference, my profound knowledge and love to those creatures, and all out under the vocabulary of the same. I then immediately thought of it as a reaffirmation of past events. Did God purposely let these things happen? Does everything seem to be so coincidental or harmonic? Or I was just so imaginative, or obsessive-compulsive? But everything that had happened can never be that ordinarily coincidental… There must be a greater meaning for all those everything… And so I ran through the message all over and over again and even verified the identity of St. Serephina (seraph: fire bearer, angelological term). Apart from my doubts, she was indeed real. I researched her life and her history, and found her extraordinary. The greater part is that-she’s an angel, plus had had sanctity. The only question was – was she indeed my guardian angel? I never thought of doing the same for Akasha and Crystal. They were indeed minor angels because all information I had for them is minor also. The information I grasped sounds less grounding to me, plus the fact that their existence is a bit deviated from ordinary reality, I guess. May they forgive me. Of course, I never thought of giving the amount to Jenna because she might be an internet stalker or the like. Plus the fact that I do not ever send money through credit cards co-via the internet. You can never blame me for doing that, I guess… But even if I did not, I never regretted the day I received the message. I did give everything that had happened in my life a special credit, no matter how small they were, and I just do not trash them and label them unimportant. I leave the judgement for you to see how my experiences jive to one converging point, and I hope you will use the holy gift of freedom for such. Beings always ask confirmations from man before they do God’s bidding, I guess. Remember Archangel Gabriel? + The first dream, the second dream… Now that remains in question is the nature and occurrence of the third dream. The first two dreams had just shown their might. One thing I always ask God is the third dream. Will the third dream occur, or will it just be directly coming to reality? I leave this stage to God, for He alone decides in creating such things profoundly- in the nature and manner of greatest mystery. + My clocked history, for now, ends there, and again, I remind you NOT TO TELL ANYONE ABOUT THESE THINGS… You can always tell pieces of messages from these manuscripts in all your homilies, but please avoid mentioning things regarding my identity, my location, and the specific events that might immediately refer to me. Again, I do work out this mission silently, since I started it silently. The mission must also end up in extreme secrecy. I do not want people to doubt at me, stare at me, or anything. I hope you understand. I am just trying to protect my human respect for privacy. Please do not be hard headed. I value God’s secrecy highly, and stories such as these are not normally to be told, especially with the ears of easily doubting human beings, and the like. Use your gift of freedom properly… My task is just to tell all of these. I do not ask anyone to believe. All I can say is that, just be open to the signs of the times, now. Therefore, I ask you to keep these things in secret, for doing so might yield to consequences unexpected. And worst, the Roman Curia in Vatican City might accuse you for making a heresy, since the common perception regarding the Prophecies of St. Malachy was that it was just a forgery. Well, to be honest it’s not, although the real content of the prophecy is not given full trust because it was hidden in the Vatican City Archives for a long period of time. To avenge for what they have done I script “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great. Fallen, fallen is Babylon is.” I hope I added another vocabulary in your apocalyptic dictionary. Babylon might mean Rome...See for yourself… Mount of Olives…City of Seven Hills…Olivetans… Matthew 24…Benedict XVI… Please also note that the things that I will discuss of you are of critical importance in reference to future events. If not for God, I will not tell you of this. He always insists that I must tell you, ahead of time before things written in here becomes visibly true, I guess. To tell you honestly, I always pray it won’t be. The Malachian Prophecies marks the prelude of the main core of the next letter. Some parts of the prophecy, especially the last part, is best teamed up with the Revelations, and is more profoundly understood by interpreting further Nostradamus’ prophecies. Please open your mind to every possibility God might give to you. He is really unpredictable, and the best part is that He loves intelligent surprises, directly believable to the naked eye. The second part of the manuscript involves the Last Secret of Fatima. My correlations for such in accordance to the Malachian Prophecies are also included in this part. The Last Secret of Fatima, in prior to the first two answers, the dignifiability of the fulfilment of God’s Revelation in contemporary setting. The only mysterious part is the time reference, and the questions remains to be unanswered by human minds. Yes no specific number is assigned for such ending since the greatest end lies on God’s mind alone. There are some things men are not allowed to know, and it is only God who knows, neither me, neither you, neither anyone except Him. The last part answers the culprit of 12 21 2012 and the facts behind such astronomical transitions. Scientifically and geological speaking, there is something in that Mayan Prophecy that correlates with Fatima’s secrets, jives with that of Nostradamus’ and finishes with the divine work of the Revelations. I’m afraid I cannot give you the three parts now. For now, I am still working on such crypto graphical hands. Rest assured, maybe, that they will be delivered into your human hands in God’s time… ARCH+EL EMILIO C. ALENAUS XII21 I1II23III45IV678910111213141516V17181920VI2122VI I 1 TNDMC 9 SACON 9 EAIDA 1 RMNSR 7 OPOIIIF 3 P.S.: I would also like to stress out that Dan Brown was not accurate with his novels. Some of his “facts” were not authentic…The real meaning of The Last Supper might not be the marriage between Mary Magdalene and Christ. Leonardo was actually religious. He uses the symmetric property in his paintings, and is famous for the divine proportion, 1.618033989, the mathematical secret of imitating perfectly divine paintings and portraits. Leonardo uses the convergence of the Fibonacci sequence for such perfection. The convergence of the Fibonacci sequence points to the value of 1.618033989, or exactly (1+√5)/2 -F-1-1-2-3- V -5 8-13-21-N -34- 55-89-144 -C- 233-377-610-H-987-1597 -2584 -I- The Prophecies of St. Malachy Once there was a Bishop named Malachy who was summoned by Pope Innocent III. While on the road to Rome, he saw a vision of future popes, which he recorded as a series of cryptic phrases in Latin. The prophecies did not contain the exact names of popes, but rather their distinguishing characteristics – their birthplace, their motto, and other details in close reference to them. The manuscript was then deposited in the Roman Archives and was only rediscovered in year 1957...
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:17:13 +0000

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