Please keep Destiny in your prayers. Another of her - TopicsExpress


Please keep Destiny in your prayers. Another of her writings. One upon a time, there was a farmer who had 12 sons. Not one son could get along with his brother. Day after day they argued and fought. The farmer grew tired of hearing one sons story contradict the story of another, and the boys constant bickering wearied him. He couldnt sleep for the anguish he suffered over the foolish disputes of his sons. Then one day he had an idea. He collected 12 stout sticks from the field and tied the sticks tightly together. That evening after supper, he asked his sons to stay at the table and listen to what he had to say. Sons, the farmer said, placing the bound sticks in front of him. I want each of you to come, from the youngest to the eldest, and break this bundle of sticks with your bare hands. From the youngest to the eldest each son tried. None succeeded. Then the farmer said to the eldest, Unloose the bundle and take one stick. Give one to each of your brothers and keep one for yourself. When each boy held a stick, the farmer said. See if you can break it now. The twelve sticks easily broke. This is what I want to tell you, their father said. Alone, you are weak, you are breakable. But bound together in love and loyalty, you are strong. No one could snap your spirit or break anything you decide to do. If you were meant to go it alone, then God wouldnt have put so many good people into your life. Some to walk ahead of you to light the way, some to walk beside you to hold your hand. And some to walk behind you, learning from your example. Some to encourage you when youre feeling down, and some to help lighten the load. Some to simply shine a smile in the middle of a gloomy day. I want to thank all of you for walking along beside me in my journey, of not only my health troubles, but to share in my successes and my failures, my happiness and my sadness, the good times and the bad times...each of you with your own opinion, comment, and shares. I can;t explain how blessed I am to have started this page and gained each of you along the way. Remember, there is strength in numbers ♥ Xoxoxo ~Destiny
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:48:01 +0000

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