Please pray for this Navy Mom, she got THE visit. The one with - TopicsExpress


Please pray for this Navy Mom, she got THE visit. The one with high ranking personnel visiting the house. We military families live with the reality this could happen anytime. Jen McRaven Messa 13 mins .With a heavy heart, I am going to announce some of the saddest news I have ever had to say---my son, Charles---has given his life for our country, last night I was greeted at my door by two U.S. Navy Generals... I was beyond angry when I heard the news... everything our family has gone through, why him now? Charlie gave himself for our country, to protect American & its fellow citizens. When I closed my door last night, I broke down... I couldnt even believe it... I felt like I couldnt breathe... thank God for Rhea Fortin Smith, who I called right away & helped me... I havent been able to wrap my head around this news... I dont want it to be true, I really dont. You never think you will have to burry your own child, but I have too. It should have been me before him. When you are a military Mom, there is always this part of you that thinks about this & knows it is a possibility, but you never think it will be your child, until it happens. Charlies body will be flying into Dover Air Force Base---on Monday. We are still deciding where the mass will be it will either be at St. St Joseph Parish Downingtown---or Our Lady of Guadeloupe Parish in Doylestown. We are using Varcoe-Thomas Funeral home. He will have a Roman Catholic Mass, he will be buried at Washington Crossing National Cemetery, there will be a family viewing, night viewing the day after the family viewing (when dates are decided), viewing before the mass the day of the burial, & a luncheon at Borghis. He will have a U.S. Navy & Roman Catholic funeral. Charles left behind a beautiful daughter---Grace Louise Maria Messa. When we have the dates figured out, I will let everyone know, which should be by Tuesday---we are at the mercy of Washington Crossing National Cemetery because they dont have many days available because they are busy---sad to say. Thank you for all your love & support everyone---this was tragic & for sure unexpected---I am still trying to come to terms with his loss & I probably never will. We havent told our granddaughter yet---(his daughter). She isnt going to take the news lightly... before Charlie left she said Daddy... you are going to come back, right? You promise? & Charlie said he promised her he would come back... & Gracie also said she had a bad feeling about him leaving & her feeling came true. Thank you all for you love & support---this is a very hard time for our family.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:49:09 +0000

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