Please read this....a story taken from my book - Short - TopicsExpress


Please read this....a story taken from my book - Short Stories. “THE REWARD” He is not going to make another painting, he said to himself. He has been doing this for almost eleven years but has achieved no recognition, no fame, no support, morally or financially. All his life he has struggled to survive but his goal and ambition to become a popular artist has failed him somewhere. He came from a respectable middle class family where there are social bondages and in respect to the culture and traditions he has done things against his will several times. Both his parents were highly educated but had to live a simple life as the income was not enough to support a family of four. He has graduated in Fine Arts and hence been looking for a competent and challenging job to support his well being. His flat had a small room which was used both as a living room and a bedroom. On his desk were notebooks, papers, paints and brushes lying unattended and one could find the colours splashed on the table and on the walls. He had a part time evening job, to teach painting to a group of young children which paid him enough not to starve, though he could not have/had any savings. One fine morning as he got dressed up to go out, there was a knock at his door. He opened the door and saw a man, almost in his fifties, standing there and looked as if he was out of his breath. He requested him to let him in and wanted to have a glass of water. For a moment he thought not to let the stranger entered his house but changed his mind immediately. Without a second thought he invited the man to his room and asked him politely to take a seat on the sofa. The man sat on the sofa and requested him to come close to him, he was whispering something. “How can I help you“, he asked standing, facing him in the room. The man whispered that he is in lot of pain and he should ring for an ambulance immediately. He could also tell him that he was driving on the road and experienced this pain and saw his house at the nearest, hence came in the door. He looked for his mobile and called the ambulance at a short notice. It was almost ten minutes when he heard the ambulance arriving with a big siren In the meantime, he attended to the man by laying him straight on the sofa and giving him drops of water in his mouth. He also kept talking to him to make him more comfortable. The ambulance arrived and with the help of a nurse and attendant the man was moved to a hospital. He joined him in the van to see if the man is treated well in the hospital. The man was admitted in the hospital and to complete the formalities, he signed for him as a witness. The doctors after attending to him said, that the man had a stroke which could have been fatal if he was not brought to the hospital. They also found the details of the man from his wallet and informed the family about his welfare. He left for home after the family of the man arrived to see him. He was happy that he could save a life of this stranger. Days passed, and he was again in a routine of his work. There was a knock at his door. He opened the door to find the people from media, the photographers, the journalist who were interested to take his interview. He then found out that the stranger he saved weeks back was a tycoon, a rich and wealthy businessman who was not only famous but was a very powerful man in the country. After repeated requests he could only tell that he did tried to help the man as a good human being and with no other motive as he had no knowledge who he was. This interview was telecast on different channels and he learnt that he was popular too. Where ever he went people recognised him saying, look at the man who saved the tycoon’s life. Although he did not like the attention but somewhere in his heart felt truly good about what he did. The next day he received a letter which stated that he has been offered a place in a reputed gallery to exhibits his paintings. He was so excited as he was reading this letter. At the exhibition, his paintings achieved remarkable appraisal and many were sold at very high price. He also could manage to get offers from high profile families to paint their family portraits which would add to their history. He not only got busy in preparation but was experiencing fame and well deserve wealth. He has waited for this day since long He has been invited by the tycoon’s family for dinner tonight. As he got dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror. He could not believe that now life has made him so confident and he has no regrets towards life. He got out of his car and entered the house. It seemed to be a big celebration. He waited and then was approached by a person who he recognised immediately. It was the same man who he had helped him once to save his life. I am honoured to see you,” the man said. He then took him to the stage and faced the guests. His heart was pulsating with tremendous excitement. The tycoon then started his speech, he said, “ my honourable guests, I want to introduce this young man to all of you. He is not only a kind man but a very generous and a good human being. If he had not saved my life, I would not be here giving this speech.. I am truly obliged and to return him a favour, I want to announce that this young man will inherit a part of my fortune after I am gone, and he has been added to my will.” He did not believe what was happening to him.. Can a small piece of good work bring wonders in life, he thought. Good deeds bring goodness and pride to the soul. Nothing he could have asked God in return of this reward He was contended. did you like my story
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:35:08 +0000

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